Sunday, November 02, 2008

Happy Dia De Los Muertos!

Forgot to mention that this AM! While I'm perfectly aware of what the Days of the Dead stand for — and, of couse, a politically incorrect tip of the ole blood-filled skull to Mictecacihauti, that rollicking Aztec Queen of the Underworld — I also like to think that it's an ideal day for zombie affcionados everywhere!


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Bane if you are trying to take my mind off Tueday's is not working. How about chapter 2 of FTG?

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    FTB: "a politically incorrect tip of the ole blood-filled skull to Mictecacihauti, that rollicking Aztec Queen of the Underworld"

    From the Wiki link:

    "Her cult is sometimes held to persist in the common Mexican worship of Santa Muerte."

    Yet another good reason to "celebrate" the turn-over of this country to the denizens of South of the Border. Nice cult.

  3. Thank you for your article, really effective piece of writing.

  4. So, I don't actually believe this will work.
