Monday, December 01, 2008

Post Turkey Day Enthusiasm

After four days of serious rest, I'm feeling decidedly human again! I slept late, read, didn't turn on the computer in my office — well, not very much — took daily long hikes with Alf the Wonder Beagle and my Sweetie and avoided anything that looked like stress. As a result, I'm now convinced I will actually survive December and SHOT Show January! I am always surprised at how much mental energy a day of filming takes, not to mention that you're usually on a dusty, windy location somewhere and you don't get to sit down much, if at all, for 12 hours. The frenetic pace since July ground me up pretty badly.

I'm excited because lots of super cool things are going on...obviously THE BEST DEFENSE is going to be a paradigm-breaker. I've also just gotten the approvals for that spectaular 10th season of SHOOTING GALLERY I mentioned a while back...we'll be going extra-spicy for this one! It'll be filmed in 2009, premiering Quarter 1 2010. Plus, there's a good chance that Series #4, which I can't tell you a THING about (except that yes, it will go bang), will be green-lighted before the end of the year. Series #5, a really exciting project with Rob Pincus (and that's ALL I can say right now!), looks good for 2010; Series #6 is waiting for just the right moment to be birthed.

Bookwise, I've approved the new cover for TRAIL SAFE and the set text should move to final proofing in the next two weeks. This is the original book with a bit of editing from me, including with a new forward I'm writing. It will be joined mid-year by a companion DVD that focuses on the survivial mindset and choosing appropriate hardware for the backcountry. 2009 will also have a new edition of OVER THE EDGE with a newly written forward that brings the book up to date. Finally, I sketched out the rough outlines of a new gun book and companion DVD that will be my 2009 writing project, along with finishing and publishing FIVE TO GO. I'll also be writing the forward for a new training book from Rob and Mike Janich, based on our work on will definitely be a must-have for your training library!

There will be some significant changes in DOWN RANGE, too, but I don't want to get into those just yet. I believe Marshal Halloway and I will have some big announcements at SHOT.

So there!


  1. Anonymous10:28 AM

    "... along with finishing and publishing FIVE TO GO..."

    You old teaser you.

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    What's the status of the internet show on .50's you were planing with Ronnie Barret? I hope that's still on the agenda somewhere.the mushroom

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Speaking of the status of programs. Why are both of your exsisting programs on DISH NETWORK still in re-run mode? Have I missed something about you and OUTDOOR channel that I should know?

  4. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Congrat's Michael, on the renewals. You do desrve the work(!). We need guys like you speaking for all of us. AND thanks for the great shows and being such a good friend to all of us in your community.
    How about doing a show that demonstartes how a "Shall-Issue" CPL holder, or holders may play a key role in stopping what has just happened in India. I would like to see those cowardly bastards try that in my county. It was the original, "Right-to-keep-and bear-arms"-county, as in carry 'em county, in Michigan. It was drven by two (2) Democrats! One the Sheriff and the other the Prosecutor. Both great men in their own right too. A show like that can effectively teach the unknowing populace of the value of having a polite, but armed citizenry. All they hear from the left and the MSM, is how we're gonna shoot the place up and everyone there.
    Thanks again,
    Life Member

  5. FIVE TO GO ...


    [Crowd Noises}

    Way to go, Michael-Angelo.


  6. Anonymous11:01 PM

    OT: Are you going to be at the Tanner show this weekend? I'm "working" the CSSA both Saturday a.m., and would like a chance to personnaly thak you for your blog and the TV program.
    BTW: Think the gun show will be crowded? Just maybe. Last Saturday my son and I were in two of the Sportsmans Warehouse stores [Loveland and Aurora] and the ammunition shelves were going bare. He finally found ammo for his FN 90 at the Firing Line, where cars spilled over into adjacent lots. OldeForce
