Sunday, January 04, 2009

Vote for the Second Amendment!

Americans for Tax Reform is giving us all a chance to submit a question in the debate for a new Republican Party Chairman, scheduled for tomorrow!

Here's my question:
Are you willing to unequivocally support the Second Amendment, including:
1) Unequivocal opposition to any so-called "Assault Weapons Ban."
2) Opposition to any ban on magazine capacity, types of ammunition, etc.
3) Opposition to any attempt to subvert at a federal level state-approved concealed carry laws.
4) Support for concealed carry rights on a national level.
5) RELENTLESS opposition to any federal registration schemes, whether on firearms, ammunition, etc.
The GOP has treated those of us "under the tent" because of Second Amendment issues as the "crazy uncles in the closet" for far too long! The GOP must embrace the Second Amendment if we are to embrace the GOP.
You can vote for my question (or ANY Second Amendment question) after signing up and clicking on the UP arrow on the lower right hand corner of the question. We MUST have an answer to these questions if we are to continue to support the Republican Party! Enough is enough...if they want our vote, they need to STAND THE HELL UP!


  1. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Voted #27. Like MB said...STAND THE HELL UP!

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    The idea of a national concealed carry permit makes me nervous. Such a centralized list of gun owners could come in real handy when the wrong regime takes over.

    Maybe something more appropriate (safer) would be a federal mandate that all states should honor each other's CC permits.

  3. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Voted #47. Gonna need a lot more votes to get any attention.

  4. Anonymous3:07 PM

    #58 - I didn't see any others that had even close to 20, let alone 50+

  5. Anonymous3:26 PM

    61 so far

  6. Anonymous3:51 PM

    63--Tried 3 times- got 404 page each time, no count first 2 times, last one took though. the mushroom

  7. Anonymous5:20 PM

    hit the sort by vote button... the Ron Paul folks (#59) have way over 800 votes at 19:00 EST. Nothing else is even close.

  8. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Going back to my post a week or so ago. New technologies, new ideas ! NO WAR ROOM !!

    Here we are with 85 votes on a tangential website. Why aren't we calling for gun owners to call/email/facebook comment the RNC until they are sick of it? We can get 10 thousand folks to post in a day or so on the Outdoor Life blog regards Zumbo. Why can't we get the same response to REJECT Michael Steele (NOT a friend) as Chairman? Why aren't we on the RNC website beating them to a pulp over this issue? WHERE THE HECK IS THE NRA AND INDUSTRY? Why aren't they posting on the various forums clearly identified as NRA and industry leaders?

    It is going to take a LOT more activism than endorsing our own beliefs in some vote. I am not bashing you MB. I am just so damm frustrated and tired and sick of us sitting around doing so little.

  9. Michael,
    Thanks for the heads up. I just hope people follow thru and do it.

  10. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Ok here is a group that Mike Duncan the current Chairman has "endorsed". I suspect that they have some hooks into the party. You can register a comment right from their front page. They also list facebook, twitter, ning links for further input.

  11. Anonymous7:47 PM

    #91, but this site is worthless. There are almost 775 "questions" on this site. I don't see how to access the results. You think they're going to really use this material? To much "noise". Better would have been for them to post a list of positions and have people vote on them.

    Looks just like a way to garner email addresses to me.

  12. Anonymous7:51 PM


    I like Tom Gresham's model for this sort of thing...

    "Of the 20,000 gun laws on the books right now, which are the first 3 you are going to work to repeal?"

  13. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Ah ha! The "Total Vote" is really the "NET" vote. That is as of right now, there are 120 MORE "ups" than "downs". I checked this out by voting against some questions and seeing how the results changed. There are people voting "thumbs down" because some questions have negative totals.

    Still think this is somewhat of a waste unless we can get thousands of "up" votes.

  14. Anonymous6:59 AM

    MB has 125 right now. To find him just search for 'bane'.

  15. Anonymous12:59 PM

    CCW rights on a national level. Not sure what you mean by this....but a federal government that can force states to allow CC can also force states to prohibit CC.

  16. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I listened to the RNC Chairman debate and there wasn't really a second amendment question or any mention of 2A supporters. Sad. One lighting question of how many guns you own. Everyone of the candidates said they own guns EXCEPT MICHAEL STEELE. (timemark 30:26) Steele is bad news for Republicans.

    We should be aware of who are the candidates. Ken Blackwell is a clear supporter of 2A rights. Sandy Froman has endorsed him. If you have any Republican connections make your voice known. At the least email or call the RNC to register your concern over 2A rights. GET INVOLVED.

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