Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You Say You Want a Revolution... this beautifully written editorial in the Chicago Tribune circo 1995 from Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit. Can't quote it because it's a PDF, but you need to download it and read it!


  1. Anonymous8:55 PM

    That is good and well worth reading by some that have recently been referencing blood and the tree of liberty.

    Become active. Call, email, donate.

  2. Anonymous5:24 AM

    "Silly" rumors, constitutional evasion by government...recent federal court action that thumbs it's nose against the Supreme Court? Government to decide who receives health care....who is too old or sick for it...and who pays for it now becoming reality. Backdoor taxes ignored by all, but applied with forethought by printing excessive amounts of money that sucks the value from money saved. Access to government programs a privelege, determined by the state denying the citizen's ownership of the state.

    We are in a most awkward time.

  3. Anonymous7:34 AM

    "We are in a most awkward time."

    At least we'll be exiting it soon.... /sarcasm

    Seriously, with as fast as the constitution is being shed and we're increasingly subjected to being ruled (economically or otherwise) by our public servants, the awkwardness must be ending.....

  4. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Are you trying to crush the fantasies of all the Walter Mitty's that post here and on your forum? How dare you! Watch out, they seem to make up a large part of your fan base. Piss them off and you may not have any viewers/readers left.

  5. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Any future "revolution" will look less like the first American Revolution or Civil War and more like Northern Ireland or Bosnia...but more bloody. I think we still have time to act peacefully within the system to slow down or reverse the trend. Get active locally and let your reps know where you stand. Join political groups that don't compromise your beliefs (hope you're listening, NRA), and work on winning hearts & minds locally.

    But it doesn't hurt to prepare for the very worst, either. Stock up and train. Be ready. And don't forget to keep up your "urban camoflage"...look like a good neighbor--not a militant nutcase. And don't forget how to be a human in an inhumane world....

    IMHO, of course....

  6. Anonymous1:07 PM

    One needs to note that Mr. Reynolds is a member of the BAR.To become one in good standing one MUST promote law abiding activity that will reinforce the need for the BAR. Martial LAW IS A MONEY LOSER ,ie. A NEGATIVE for ALL/MOST BARRISTERS not schooled in Military Tribunal antics and may not be acceptable to the court as consul.

  7. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Americans like that feeling of the government stuck up their ass too much for any revolution. Plus they have families and jobs. Our founding fathers were alone and just looking for trouble. Tyranny can wait until American Idol is over.

  8. get tired of dis'sing me and you start dis'sing my fans!

    If you don't like reading/hearing/watching my stuff, I strongly encourage you NOT the read/hear/watch my stuff. Not that complicated a concept...


  9. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Walter Mitty comments with a slanderous bent are attributable to persons with deep seated insecurities that lack the ability to function as an individual. To make themselves feel better they self-elate by attempting to make others look bad (less intelligent or bright) using the time-tested tools of ridicule and demonization. This is freshman Psychology and a favored tool of liberal theocrats who bow to the altar of the state.

  10. Anonymous6:34 AM

    The only fantasy I have at the moment is bitch-slapping the anonymous turd who used my name disrespectfully. It's a fun fantasy, but I really have better things to do.

  11. Resistance took place in the Soviet Union from founding until the dissolution. It took the form of armed insurrection, of theft, of black marketeering, of secretly published & distributed dissent, and of outright betrayal to national enemies. It can and will happen again. You won't be seeing Walter Mitty but rather Kilroy. He's already been there...
