Tuesday, May 05, 2009

And Speaking of Idiots..

A visit to the Reno gun show, from the Daily Beast
If a new militia movement coalesces, its members will have no shortage of sophisticated assault weapons to choose from. At the gun show in Reno, I witnessed the sale of rocket-propelled-grenade launchers and bazooka guns; I watched a California-based dealer demonstrate how rapidly he could field strip his .308-caliber sniper rifle, then stash it in a deliberately innocuous-looking backpack and a briefcase that “looks just like a camera case.” Nearby, I interviewed another dealer retailing a brand of.50-caliber assault rifle that was banned in California because it could supposedly down an airplane
Rocket propelled grenade launchers and bazooka guns??? Man, I am so going to the wrong gun shows! Here's the "powerful ending!"
...the Department of Homeland Security issued a report warning of the mounting threat of “right-wing extremism.” “Heightened interest in legislation for tighter firearms control,” the DHS asserted, “may be invigorating right-wing extremist activity, specifically the white-supremacist and militia movements.” With its focus on right-wing gun culture, the report compounded the already palpable paranoia of gun-show enthusiasts. An organizer of the Antioch show told me the heightened specter of government scrutiny prompted numerous dealers to demand a total ban on cameras of any kind inside the show.
Even with the restriction in place at both shows I attended, I managed to record enough footage to provide what I think is a vivid journalistic report on gun culture mentality during the first 100 days of the Obama era. Was the DHS report on right-wing extremism credible? See my video report, “Gun Show Nation,” and judge for yourself.
Indeed...and after you judge, try to guess the IQ of the moron who wrote this dreck...


  1. He had better have some bazooka sales on that vid or it did not happen. If it did happen, I am soooo going to the wrong shows too.

  2. No, no. He misunderstood. They were selling Bazooka Gum. Bazooka Bubble Gum for the kiddies.

  3. Can you do a "Shotting Gallery" show on the latest in bazooka's? I am looking for a varmint gun with a little more stopping power.

  4. Anonymous9:30 AM

    {Hand covering eyes} - I'm thinking of a number between one and ten...



  5. Kristopher11:08 AM

    A bigot tells lies.

    This is somehow news?

  6. The real disturbing thing about the anti-gun crowd is encapsulated in this one comment:

    "Doesn't is say "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State..." Doesn't that mean gun owners should be part of a well-regulated militia in order to keep their weapons? Doesn't this country have what could be considered a well-regulated militia (The National Guard)? It is remarkable how so many people miss that whole first part of the amendment, but then choose to defend the second part of it with such zeal. My point is, gun ownership is not a right, it is not something that is God given...gun ownership is a privilege, and something that the government is well within its rights to regulate."

    They just don't get it.

  7. Rocket-propelled grenade launchers?

    When you need the launcher to get there REALLY FAST?

  8. Anonymous2:53 PM

    It would do you NO good to attempt to enlighten this poor, benighted sheeple.
    "Talk sense to a fool, and he will call you foolish".


  9. Windy Wilson5:54 PM

    Ref to what VLWH Paul quoted, about the willful confusion over the word, "regulated" and the idea of the militia and a "select militia".

    People, and even this person likely do not think or do not expect the words used by Shakespeare 400 years ago to have the same meanings, why do they not recognize that words can change meaning in even 200 years. Such an idiotic belief can only held willfully, much like the Red Queen in "Through the looking Glass" who "believed as many as 5 impossible things before breakfast".

  10. Windy Wilson5:59 PM

    "He had better have some bazooka sales on that vid or it did not happen. If it did happen, I am soooo going to the wrong shows too."
    You know, it's all in the spin. He could say that my nephew has a 30 mm rocket launcher. Just leave out the fact that he jumps on the accordion part and the rocket flies up about 20 feet.

    Nerf Bazooka, powered by hand.
    Where's the number of a patent attorney?

  11. Sadly, people believe him. And early on in the comments, some semi-literate who claims he was an 11B (maybe, maybe not) chimed in with the "they won't be able to handle them in combat" declaration.

    They fell over themselves to thank him for his "service and wisdom."

    I'll see him, and raise him several dozen friends who are veterans who do know how to use them, probably better than he does.
