Friday, July 24, 2009

My Underwear is Dead...

...yep, it's over. United has asked me to file a claim for my bag, which included rare coins, several laptops, a train, most of Outdoor Channel production facilities (including the hi-def cameras), Angelina Jolie's priceless corset, Michael Jackson's body, a Spyderco Yojimbo, a director's cut of Yojimbo, the movie, and, of course, my tortured, dirty underwear. I predict the brainless SOBs at United Baggage Claim will hound me unmercifully over the receipt for the train.

I took most of the day off, so sue me. I went bicycling up by my property that will become the new Secret Hidden Bunker in a couple of  years. Hot, dry and fun!


  1. ericire128:59 PM

    Dont forget that your collection of Rolex watches was in that bag also ;)

  2. Now that was funny, the bag contents thing, that is.

  3. Want me to swing by Unclaimed Baggage and look for anything in particular?

  4. Oh,
    an don't forget those 50,000 small pistol primers in the side pocket.

  5. Geoff aka Pathfinder4:32 AM

    So what happened to the "adult's" promise to expedite delivery? Oh, right expedited - to purgatory!

    RIP UT.

  6. MB

    The real issue here is that you and I both know it was the 'paper weights' that caused this.

    TSA decided they were scary and that you shouldn't have them so your luggage was "lost".

  7. Anonymous9:47 AM

    TSA probably has you flagged on their watch list so finding the forgings was not by chance from an obervent drone. Giving you were going through the gun forbidden realm of King Richard they probably thought they had you by the nuts. As HAZ suggested your luggage was not lost, but payback for for dissapointing them for not being able to nail you for something.


  8. nj_larry11:23 AM

    This really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure's either Jim Scoutten or Tom Gresham at the helm of this caper.

  9. Lawrence12:19 PM

    Id say it's Larry Vickers that is behind it all...heh heh heh

  10. Geoff aka Pathfinder1:03 PM

    "Lawrence said...

    Id say it's Larry Vickers that is behind it all...heh heh heh"

    Lawrence, that one was deep! < GGG >

  11. Lawrence1:11 PM

    I'm a crime reporter, Its my job...8-)

  12. Don't forget that Spyderco is a collector item now. Find a really good ebay auction for one to get your value reference!

  13. Lawrence11:29 AM

    I carry a yojimbo every day and its my favorite spyderco of all time.

    I even passed it off as a box cutter in the office one day. One of my co-workers thought it was cute because its blue..

    Michael, I paid $180 for mine and was happy to do it because theyre running upwards of $250 in some places for unused copies.

  14. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Remember, it wasn't just a bag, it was a Prada bag!
