Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pulled the Lever...

...yesterday on the Dillon 650. For some reason I have more trouble with my 650, which is set up to run .357 cowboy stuff, than my ancient 550s (including one that was upgraded from an original 400/450) and my ritzy-titzy 1050 that cranks out .45 ACPs. It's one small problem after another...I even sent the thing back to Dillon at one point. They overhauled it, and it's still a pain in ass. I ran up 300 or so Unique/158-gr LaserCast rounds, so we could get in a practice session today in between thunderstorms. Maybe my 650 is suffering from the hellish pain of incipient racism...

Practice went'd been at least a week since I heard guns go bang, so I was more or less in withdrawal. My Sweetie is shooting extremely well, BTW.

I even went crazy and cooked last night...wild sockeye salmon, seared on top of the stove, then sorta poached in my own tamari-wasabi-honey-worcestershire sauce-Tabasco marinade. I wanted to grill it outside, but up here in Secret Hidden Bunker we're still trapped in the brutal grip of global warming, so it's cool and rainy every day. I served it along with fresh corn on the cob.

BTW, am watching HIGH NOON for the umteenth time...sadly, we all live in Hadleyville now.


  1. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Mr Bane,
    Love the shows and it sounds like a great dinner last night.....keep up the good work.

    Bill- MI

  2. Michael,
    What is the recipe for the marinade?

  3. We watched "Tremors" again tonight.

    Nothing better than seeing Reba blasting away at giant worms - LOL.

  4. DonWorsham5:25 AM

    Do not forsake me oh my darlin'.

    I do not know
    What fate awaits me

    I only know
    I must be brave

  5. Michael: My 650 has been DOWN in pieces for years now. I can never get the thing to run for a whole afternoon without a major malfunction of some sort, so don't feel like the 'Lone Ranger'. However, my 1050 and all my Square Deal B's run like champions.

    I think it's a 'Karma' thing with the 650 and their owners. Some run great for everyone....and then there is 'our' experience.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  6. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Yes, I want to know about the marinade as well.

    Now where is that copy of High Plains Drifter... :)


  7. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I have to go with Rio Bravo over High Noon. I agree with Howard Hawks.

    Behind the Chicago Curtain

  8. "Now where is that copy of High Plains Drifter... :)"

    Didn't someone once describe High Plains Drifter as "High Noon if Gary Cooper died"?

  9. nj_larry6:12 AM

    My vote is with "My Darling Clementine" with a young Hank Fonda as Wyatt Earp and Ward Bond as brother Morgan. John Ford directing makes it a cinematic gem.

  10. Anonymous6:34 PM


    How dare you bad mouth your Dillon 650!


    I know that you know that the Brian Enos forum is just a couple clicks away for you.

    All you have to do is search their Dillon reloading equipment subforum, and you will probably find a solution to your problem quickly.

    Worst case scenario is that you would have to actually post a thread there asking for help with your 650.

    Once people see your screenname there asking for help, they will probably fall all over themselves clamoring to post helpful responses.
