Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Current Zogby Poll on Concealed Carry...

...tells us what we already knew — that people from all stripes of life unconditionally support concealed carry:
The Right to Carry a Firearm

An amendment that would have permitted law-abiding gun owners with concealed-carry permits to carry their firearms across state lines recently fell short in the Senate. Although the amendment received a majority of votes (58-39), a filibuster-proof 60 votes were required for passage.

Zogby/O'Leary asked voters:

"Currently, 39 states have laws that allow residents to carry firearms to protect themselves, only if they pass a background check and pay a fee to cover administrative costs. Most of those states also require applicants to have firearms safety training. Do you support or oppose this law?"

An overwhelming majority of Americans (83 percent) support concealed-carry laws, while only 11 percent oppose them. A majority of Independent voters (86 percent), Democrats (80 percent), young voters age 18-29 (83 percent), Hispanic voters (80 percent), and those who voted for President Obama (80 percent) support the right to carry a firearm.


  1. But only five on the Supreme Court....

  2. ericire126:07 PM



  3. Glocker09010:57 AM

    Mike, what are your thoughts on using a belly band holster?


  4. It is a subject with so many points of view, I think we should eliminate all the fire guns of the world, it only produces troubles.

  5. Firearms must be banned for the sake of our country!

  6. Really useful data, much thanks for your article.

  7. That is very good comment you shared.Thank you so much that for you shared those things with us.Im wishing you to carry on with ur achivments.All the best.
