Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Workin' For a Livin'

Lot of running around and catching up today after 2 days on the range! I have to say the Evil Roy Shooting School 2-day class was superb. Gene Pearcey, who you've seen often on COWBOYS (and whom you'll see in every show next year as our Chief Instructor), has the world-class instructor ability to see straight to what the student is doing, why the student is doing it and what steps the student needs to take to change. Neat trick. For example, we were dealing with a very narrow-cut issue of how tightly the strong hand needs to grip the gun on the draw, which is slightly — and I emphasize the slightly — different for cowboy versus, say, IPSC shooting.

I'd also like to mention that Karen Pearcy, "Wicked Felina," who works with Gene, is an excellent instructor in her own right and often brings an excellent elaborating/expansion point of view . If you get a chance to sign up for one of Gene's classes, grab it!

DPMS and are teaming up for a pink DPMS AR-15 auction, with proceeds benefitting the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure of breast cancer. This is a very good thing...breast cancer has written its ugly signature on people close to me.


  1. Bane has the audacity to call what he does "work"!

  2. Such audacity I am more than willing to forgive!
