Wednesday, January 06, 2010

TA-DA!!! The Weekly Video Podcast

And NOOOOOOO, we're not going to keep calling it "The Weekly Video Podcast!" This is just a beta test after all, and we don't have a "formal" name yet. You got any suggestions?

This is the format we're starting with, and so far, the response has been all we hoped! Right now, the Vlog is available in the following locations:

When we get out of beta, it will also be available on

Marshal and I, like rust, never sleep!


  1. Outstanding production! Are you going to v-blog teasers from the shot show?

  2. The video podcast is awesome! Well done.

    I would like to see it as part of the regular podcast feed so I can watch it on my iPod easily.

  3. Nice podcast. I look forward to more of the DRTV-VP

  4. What a great idea! Looking forward to tunning in each week. +1 on Bill Rushmore's comment. Keep up the outstanding work you two.

  5. Very nice. I usually prefer print but I liked this too. I will never do the podcast to my Ipod as it uses too much memory on my filled Ipod.I really enjoy your blog

  6. Jason M4:18 PM

    Are you going to post it on iTunes along with Down Range Radio?

  7. Will you be able to record one these when you are on the road or must you be in the bunker?

  8. !) We WILL have the vlog available on iTunes, but probably not for the first couple of weeks while we struggle with some more basic problems.

    2) We're definitely doing one from OUTDOOR CHANNEL's booth at SHOT. I've been experimenting with the dedicated camera in the laptop, so if worst comes to worst that's how I'll do it!

    3) We will have TONS of video from SHOT, pumped up to DRTV and as close to Real Time as we can swing it.



  9. Uno Mas5:44 PM

    Verra good!

  10. Great production.
    Where are you on Facebook, can you add a link to FB.

  11. Excellent! I look forward to what you can show us as well as tell us about.

    On the Uzi pen, it would have been a good idea on their part to make the "DNA collector" also function as an AR-15 front sight tool. It could still collect DNA but would be even more tactical. :)

    Keep up the good work!

  12. Like the video podcast! Needs to be longer though :) don't stop the audio podcast, I won't have anything good to listen to on my way to work.

  13. "This is just a beta test after all, and we don't have a "formal" name yet. You got any suggestions?"

    Well, you asked for it...

    "No, I'm Not Newt Gingrich"

    "The Safari Vest of Doom"

    "The Armageddonum of Dr. Bane"

    "Mikey B. and the Goateed Chromedomes"

  14. Anonymous10:39 PM

    The title for your vlog should be "The most depressing vlog in America"

    How about just "Down Range with MB" for the title? Nice, simple and straight forward.


  15. "Michael Banes' News from the Bunker"

  16. dam doc6:20 AM

    hopefully you will faitfully still do downrange radio? Please say yes!

  17. Eric Schaffer6:58 AM

    Very nice. I look forward to more.

  18. nj_larry7:17 AM

    MB I was wearing these colored glasses I got at the movie Avatar but I didn't see no 3D stuff in your Vlog. Waz up? Do I have to do something special to my computer? Do I have to buy anything special to get the 3D stuff?

  19. ericire129:40 AM

    Yes, but where are all the hot girls?

  20. Nice, will you have it available in a format other than streaming? A _pod_cast implies that you can download it to your i_pod_ or other portable device to watch at your leisure.

  21. seeker_two4:39 AM

    I kinda like calling it "TA-DA!!! The Weekly Video Podcast".....

  22. Michael,

    Thank you very much. I will take all of the info I can.

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