Thursday, February 04, 2010

Action vs. Reaction

I saw this Scientific American podcast on action versus reaction posted by Say Uncle this AM:
Why, a study just come out in the Proceedings of the Royal Society. That’s a Brit journal, don’t worry about it. Showed that I can go 10 percent faster reactin’ to you drawing your gun than if I just tried to draw my own gun first. Has to do with the way the nervous system’s set up. 
It's too early for me to think about this, but I suspect it's a podcast subject for next week...oh BTW, the ridiculous language is a smart person pretending to be a dumb-ass gunfighter...yeah, I know...


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I had a boxing coach who would scream at anyone who listen:

    If your fast enough to be a counter puncher, your fast enough to hit first.


  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Starting first requires stimuli, thought and response while reacting to a lethal threat only requires stimuli and response.

    One problem with being so conditioned is not being welcome(or welcomed back) in most places.(Grin!)

    Walt Rauch

  3. In experiments where a subject is asked to lift his finger any time he wants, the neural impulse to move the finger starts 120 milliseconds before the conscious thought to move it.

    Think about that for a while and try to sleep tonight, fellow meat puppets.

  4. well if you are carrying so that you can be prepared to defend yourself against an aggressor, rather than to BE the aggressor, this is good news, right?

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I wonder who can take the more accurate shot? You can be dead real fast too!

  6. Anonymous6:41 PM

    This still leaves an important question. Does performing an action (like drawing a gun) faster when you react make up for the fact you started second? I got the impression it is still advantageous to act first.

  7. That's an excellent question, and my first impression is that the difference will be shown in the level of training of the shooter.

  8. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Moving 10% faster doesn't do you much good when you're already a quarter second plus in the hole.

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