Sunday, February 21, 2010

Clean Guns!

Scrub-a-dub-dub, all our match guns are squeaky clean! I am sorry I swore off dishwashers.

I'm sorry to report that I'm presently reading — albeit not very closely — one of the crappiest books I've stumbled into for a long time — IRON RIVER, by the normally reliable T. Jefferson Parker. To say this book sucks is an insult to "suck." Quick premise — there is an "iron river" of guns flowing from sleazy American gun dealers to Mexican drug cartels. As the book notes, the cartels have full-auto AKs and, get this, flame throwers, but what they really pine for are S&W .357 Magnum semiautos (really...could I make nonsense like that up?) and, pause for effect, Ruger .22 semiautos! Wow! Who knew? And the real punch line...a sleazy gun manufacturer (and, hey, anything that has "gun" in the phrase has to be proceeded by "sleazy," tight?) is getting ready to build, pause for effect, .32 ACP submachineguns for the cartels! Holy Skorpion, Batman! Civilization is at risk!

Anyway, Jeff Parker has always been presented to me as a stand-up "gun guy." Instead, he proves himself to be just another whining liberal. This book is nothing but an antigun propaganda piece, the same brainless drivel we put up with in the mainstream media. I made the mistake of buying this steaming POS...learn from me, little grasshoppers!

Okay, call it two thumbs down on IRON RIVER...

Okay T. Jeff, here's the gun the Mexican cartels are really salivating over, a BANANA BLASTER (courtesy The Firearms Blog)! That's right, T. Jeff....they have machineguns, flame throwers and rockets, but they depend on AMERICAN GUNSHOWS for access to fruit-based firearms:

Meanwhile, back in the Real World, I thought I might make Frank James cry. Frank, as you may or may not know, has this think for 10mm S&W 610 revolvers. One of my readers is offering this sweetheart piece for sale...

Sigh...wish I had the spare $1200 bucks he's asking! It's a beautiful gun!


  1. Other than the beautiful stocks, what makes this one worth $1,200? Not being snarky, I'm curious as I have a NIB 610 (not one of the current run).

  2. Mark V10:03 PM

    So, Micheal you said, "Anyway, Jeff Parker has always been presented to me as a stand-up "gun guy." Instead, he proves himself to be just another whining liberal." Well, if you REALLY want to know his feelings on firearms check out the You Tube video on his website. TOTALLY spouts the anti-gunner drivel of "over 90%" of guns used in crime in Mexico come from the USA." I've read a few of his books & liked them NEVER again. Thanks for saving me a couple bucks I can spend else where.

  3. Michael: Funny (odd? timely?) you should post a 10mm revolver today because yesterday I just filed a piece for my column at SGN and it was on the S&W Model 310 in 10mm/.40 S&W.

    I think they're neat guns, but nothing to die for. Not to get your readers upset, but I have real reservations over auto-pistol caliber revolvers. I have had too many negative experiences with bent full-moon clips to say I think they are practical for anything but 'match' conditions.

    And despite what everyone says when it comes to shooting live targets the 10mm Auto AIN'T a .41 Magnum...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  4. Lawrence8:31 AM

    I always thought Id like a 625 for one reason.

    What if I'm reloading a few buckets of 45 acp rounds and for some reason my $1,200 Kimber Gold Match doesn't like them?

    I can always put em into moon clips and use them in the revolver for plinking and small game hunting.

  5. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I've never encountered a bent "full", "half", or "third"-moon-clip. I carry my "clips" in my pockets, packs, cases and anywhere else they fit. I bought good ones, such as those originally sold by S&W, or Ranch products. I've never had to buy any new ones either. My original compliment is still working for me. I hunt with my 6 1/2" 610 and carry it "hard".
    And if the "10" isn't a .41, it's still close. It has it's place in the shooting world and is held high by those that actually shoot it. It also has it's detractors, probably by those that have only read about it.
    Life Member

  6. I had never heard of this author. Now I know not to bother with this idiot. BTW, where can I get a .357 Magnum auto? I can't find one on Gunbroker. Hmmmm? Wonder why!

    I would love to have a S&W again but the price just puts me out of the market.

  7. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Desert Eagle .357
    Just saying

  8. Roger that on the Desert Eagle .357...of COURSE that would appeal to the macho men in the cartels! Silly, if only we could get S&W to make it...


  9. Coonan also made a .357 magnum based on the 1911.

  10. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Dayum, I've got one of the 3" 610's from way back. Didn't know it was supposed to be worth $1200 or I wouldn't have shot all those bowling pins with it on 'stubby-gun nite'.

  11. I would be curious (not really interested, but mildly curious) to learn which T.J. Parker books do NOT suck.

    Those which I have owned have lasted me for years, as the best usage I have found for them as either (a) an aid to sleep, or more commonly (b) an emetic.

    PS: No, I did not purchase any Parker books. They were given to me by people whom I once considered friends.

  12. KMitch20011:31 PM

    If that thing is worth 1200 my 629
    DX must be worth 5 figures....

    word verfication:
    "mantick" aka ex-wife

  13. seeker_two4:53 PM

    Silly're reading the wrong Parker books....find Robert B Parker's latest Jesse Stone book and get that bad taste out of your mouth....

    We'll miss you, Spenser...

  14. Wow, there is really much useful data here!

  15. I just did some comparison shopping and $1200 looks like a good price comparatively.
