Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Finished Rig!

-- Post From The Road


  1. Old Windways2:13 PM

    There is something beautiful about the simplicity of that holster.

  2. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Beautiful work! Congrats.

  3. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Beautiful. Good leather, like bacon, always appreciated.
    Looks more suitable to a revolver then a semi-auto, but beautiful none-the-less.

    B Woodman

  4. Sreve P4:15 PM

    Simple sometimes shows more class and elegance... Have fun with it

  5. Is the hammer strap long enough to attach if the gun is cocked&locked?

  6. nj_larry5:29 PM

    Ok so how much you want for it? And can you have two dozen ready by next Wednesday?

  7. dillonhelp8:59 PM

    Time for a buscadero rig for B-movie Wild Bunch!

  8. Buscadero rig is definitely my major project...I had dinner with John Bianchi tonight and he said he would "hand-hold" me through the process...I wanna shoot B-western because I've already got all those trashy Mexican rodeo shirts with flaming skulls, etc., and garish I need is the holster rig...

    Whatdaja with flames?


  9. Anonymous8:34 AM

    That looks really simple and clean. I like the lines. Is the hammer strap the retention?

  10. Looks great!

    Word verification: ponies

  11. Michael,
    Seems like you've got another calling if this whole TV thing goes "Tango Uniform"..... I betcha it shoots as good as it looks, too!

    Looking forward to your next design!

  12. So that rig requires Condition 2 or 3 carry. Hmmm.

    OK ... whatever floats yer boat.

  13. I love the nice lines of your rig, I have included my "barbeque" rig made by a local leather smith, it was inspired by "Pike's" holster rig from The Professionals.

  14. Oops, my photo didn't attach.

  15. Anonymous12:25 PM

    DAMN BEAUTIFUL AND AN INSTANT CLASSIC! Is this a catalogued design with Bianchi? If not, Bianchi should make it and stock it. Hell, I'd buy one! Just make sure the son-of-a-gun pays you a royalty.

  16. Anonymous2:15 PM

    IMHO: Never a hammer-loop with "Condition 1", or "cocked and locked". Only with "Condition 3", "Hammer down on an empty chamber".
    Life Member

  17. I'll give you every pair of shoes I own for that.

  18. I'm glad the response to the holster design is so positive. I created the pattern last year and have been doing some market research with samples. Look forward to seeing this design on our website soon.

    Michael, you did a wonderful job in the class. When you are ready to do your B western rig, I'll guide you with the ornamentation, while John B works with you on construction.

    Look out folks, Michael bought leather tools!

    Matt Whitaker
    Shop Manager
    Frontier Gunleather

  19. From an old Holster maker myself, very nice job, did you do the neats foot oil in direct sunlight for the nut brown natural finish, like John teaches in Blue steel and Gunleather???

    Have many leather tools I was going to make Frisco a deal on, maybe it needs to be you, I don't see myself doing leather on a big scale any more.

    Once again, very nice. M25
