Sunday, February 14, 2010

Phoenix Again...

Am trying to tap into the romance of modern air travel, but I have to confess it's eluding me tonight. Probably the heartburn from the airport burrito, but it could just be karma. Am in Wickenburg for the next few days for John Bianchi's holster-making class - something I've meant to do for'll see some of it on DRTV later this year. Waiting for my bag, and by extension my 1911, to show up. No snow, a big plus!

-- Post From The Road


  1. You mean George Clooney is full of it in that flick, UP IN THE AIR???

    If it's within 700 miles, I drive there.......for the romance AND the adventure.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  2. George Clooney is totally full of it in every film, including any home movies he's everdone!


    PS: Hi Frank! The hotel I'm in makes we wish I'd'a bought the .50 BMG AND the Thompson!

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Well at least your out of the snow belt, weather will be in the mid 70's for the next 7-9 days down in the valley (Phoenix) I'm up here in the high country (Prescott). I am starting to pack up for Winter Range National Cowboy shooting championships held at the Ben Avery range from Feb 24-29th. Hope you stay for the match.

    Turquoise Bill
    SASS 39118
    SASS Regulator

  4. Turquoise, wil see you at WR!


  5. ericire1210:55 AM

    There you go again complaining about the life we all wished we lived.
