Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Musing...

Ancient Amphibian Skull Discovered at Pittsburgh Airport
By Clara Moskowitz - LiveScience
A meat-eating amphibian that lived 300 million years ago may represent one of the earliest examples of land-based vertebrate life. And scientists found it at the Pittsburgh airport.

And it was working for Delta in baggage handing...


  1. Anonymous5:49 PM

    This just in: The fossil found at the airport was actually a piece of lost luggage, or at least what was in a piece of lost luggage. The luggage has since disintegrated from around its contents.
    The fossil turned out to be a "Moon Pie" that dried up during it's prolonged stay in the lost and found. So that the pie not go to waste, it will be divided up and served on the next flight out to Dupa-stan, in lieu of the customary peanuts.
    At least that's all according to the "chatter" in the terminals.
    From: Frequently Flying

  2. KM2006:44 PM

    It's actually not ancient at all.
    Just the next TSA employee.

  3. ericire128:28 PM

    Its an early Taliban suicide bomber

  4. I just flew in to Philadelphia Airport last night, and the wait we had at the delta baggage claim makes me think that there may be a runner up...

  5. Anonymous8:21 AM

    The last Useless Air customer service rep hired.

  6. Those of us of Polish ancestry appreciate the subtle wit and humor in the reference to Dupastan ;)
