Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The More Things Change...etc...

Chilean survivors arm selves against looters
'Nowhere is safe,' says one quake victim in poor neighborhood
TALCAHUANO, Chile - One man swings a thick metal chain. Another grips an ax. An older gentleman favors a wooden pole. And a 20-year-old spoiling for a fight has prepared a garrote — a menacing wire tied between two handles — to confront any intruders.
These and hundreds of other survivors of Chile's devastating earthquake have organized neighborhood watch groups, arming themselves and barricading streets to protect their damaged homes from looters. The groups have stepped in as police were overwhelmed by looting and soldiers were slow to restore order after an earthquake and tsunami.
"We take care of ourselves here," said 51-year-old Maria Cortes.


  1. I never thought of a garotte as a weapon for a fight, especially if it's against a group of people.

    If you've got a wire or cord, better to tie a nice big lugnut on each end and get to whacking. If an assassination opportunity presents itself you can then garotte them just as easily.

    For myself, these sorts of brawling situations are why I own a trident.

  2. A trident would be imposing, no matter the skill level of the wielder.

  3. A trident would be fine as long as you were also carrying a net, gladiator style. But I would choose a halberd just in case looters in full plate armor show up.

  4. Why is it that when the SHTF people are caught with their pants down? Why don't more people prepare? I understand that even so, your preparations may be damaged/gone after an earthquake so then what? You've prepared but now you can't use your preparations? How do you try and protect your preparations in the event of an earthquake? How can we not resort to shooting people who are trying to survive (like you)?

  5. Lawrence5:50 PM

    can they own any guns in chile? If so. what?
