Monday, March 08, 2010

The Shootist

Breda over at the Breda Fallacy has finally seen THE SHOOTIST, to me one of the greatest westerns ever made:
"It's not always being fast or even accurate that counts. It's being willing. I found out early that most men, regardless of cause or need, aren't willing. They blink an eye or draw a breath before they pull the trigger...And I won't." -J.B. Books
It is an amazing movie (and an even more amazing book), John Wayne's near-perfect swan song.


  1. I'm with Breda. The book was better but Hollywood was not ready for the book ending then.

    Eastwood could remake it today with the book ending now though.

  2. Moosejaw4:05 AM

    If you think about it, Eastwood did make 'The Shootist'...after a fasion.....with the movie ending. it was called 'Gran Torino'. Both excellent movies.

    2 of my kids are partners in a '72 Gran Torino....Old fart that I am, I want to pose with it and my Garand...just like the Eastwood poster...

  3. gunman427824:54 AM

    One of my favorite movies of all time. I sure miss John Wayne.

  4. Didn't think about Gan Torino when I posted the earlier comment. It's a great parallel. Thanks for mentioning it.

  5. I mentioned this over at Breda's, but I really enjoyed how the director used clips from Wayne's earlier oaters to show the history of Bookes, watching him age on celluloid.

    It established the character as well as providing a nutshell of Wayne's filmography.
