Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another Tough Day at the Office...

-- Post From The Road


  1. You poor man. How do you deal?

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Hey Shooting Gallery going to cover that upcoming firing squad execution over in Utah?

  3. ericire125:21 PM

    I'll tell ya which one I'd like to ride.


  4. Michael, I searched for a place to comment on Down Range Radio #165, but could not find a better spot than here. I subscribe to your podcast. This one was a gem. I especially appreciated your comments om CCW and overcoming the inhibitions of being "made." Thank you for that support. I look forward to each week's podcast. You are right up there with Tom Gresham as leaders in gun rights proponents. You two have the best podcasts going!

  5. re. on "nobite"
    Not tryin' to blow smoke up anybodies skirt but Mr Bane's podcast is indeed the best. I esp appreciate that he comes right out & says when he's being a shill whore. As much as I enjoy all the gunrights radio network gang & podcasts - I trust MB. Keep on keepin on Michael Bane and tell your keepers @ outdoor channel you deserve a week of doing nothing with pay.
