Friday, June 11, 2010

Michael is Slacking...

...I came off the road yesterday and I felt like hammered, flushed, feverish, blah blah...I thought that 3 months of utterly lunatic travel had finally caught up with me. I felt so crummy and ground down that since I'm going to Deadwood next week I thought maybe I'd just go to the Number 10 Saloon, order a whiskey and sit with my back to the door and see what happens.

Instead, I watched the season finale of Justified on DVR (great, BTW...will be talking about it on next week's podcast), took a handful of over the counter stuff and went to bed. I feel pretty good today, but still ground down. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll feel like shooting a cowboy match, if it's not cold and raining. As a friend of mine said today, it's great that summer came on a weekend! Wanna shoot .357s tomorrow...hopefully, this weekend I can finish up the belt for my dual Schofield .44 Russian rigs and I can shoot them after Hell on Wheels this July 4. BTW, if you're a cowboy shooter (or a DRTV Forum member) and you're going to be in Cheyenne for Hell on Wheels, look me up Friday and let's see what's up for the evening. If there's enough of us, I'm buying.

Good piece on NRO from John Lott on mass shootings in the gun-free paradise of Europe and England:
Large multiple-victim public shootings are exceedingly rare events, but they garner massive news attention, and the misperceptions they produce are hard to erase. When I have been interviewed by foreign journalists, even German ones, they usually start off by asking why multiple-victim public shootings are such an American problem. And of course, they are astonished when I remind them of the attacks in their own countries and point out that this is not an American problem, it is a universal problem, but with a common factor: The attacks occur in public places where civilians are banned from carrying guns.
Read the whole thing, of course.

BTW BTW, I'm really excited about my friend Caleb from Gun Nuts Media in his Quest of IDPA Master Class with a Ruger SR9c compact and a Comp-Tac holster, to be chronicles on both Gun Nuts Media and DRTV. I like my SR9c compact a Ruger's request I've been carrying it (in an Galco Yaqui Slide and a Wilderness Tactical SafePacker) and I'v very happy with it. I got a Streamlight compact gun-mounted light for the little gun when it's the bedside gun in hotel rooms, which is a good companion for that Laser Genetics handheld green laser that has become my "go-to" light.

BTW BTW BTW, have I mentioned that I agreed to accept a slot on the Board of Advisors for the U.S. Concealed Carry Association? I met Tim Schmidt, the head guy ay USCCA, at the Second Amendment March in Washington D.C., and he impressed me. Last week I got a surprise invitation to join the BOA and I accepted. Hell, I'll probably do some senior stuff for them!

Meanwhile, I got a notice from Cimarron that their Open-Top Navy in .44 Special was on big-time sale...

...probably because I'm the only guy they could think of who'd want an open-top brass frame Navy (the lower gun in the pix) in .44 Special. The bastards! Sure, I know it won't run on a bet, but Bob Munden has a reputation for making open-tops work and he talked to me a while back about doing a gun for me. And I don't have any open-tops...get thee behind me, Satan!'t touch the checkbook...

And while I'm resisting temptation, consider this...a man open-carrying in Milwaukee got himself, kids, kids, when a stranger comes up to you and asks for a cigarette, for a ligh, for the time, for a dollar for his or her starving children, whatever, you are being "interviewed" for an attack! Good morning! Wake up and smell the coffee! If your awareness fails it doesn't matter if you're carrying a suitcase nuke and a pack of marauding Mongols in your  pants — you lose!


  1. All right! USCCA's gain! Look foreward to reading your "senior" contributions....

  2. Yeah! Open top top brass frame Navy in .44 Special? Now, that`s something!

  3. Uno Mas11:35 AM

    Michael isn't slacking -- he's burning the candle from both ends - and the middle.

    Take the day off, put your feet up, make room for ALF and the SO, and relax. We need Michael and his content, not a burned-out husk.

    Thanks for all you, Jones, Marshal, and the Marshalette do!


  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Ruger "requested" you pack an SR9c? Hmmmm. I would have politely declined in favor of the LCR. Better yet, I would have said "no way, unless you (Ruger) make a Bulldog sized LCR in 44 Spl!"

  5. Anonymous1:54 PM

    MB,I caught SG the other nite and saw you do the box drill. You move like I used to- STIFF! You know they're making some damn good knees and hips these days. Healing up from my second total hip replacement, thinking about two new knees this winter. Nice to move and no pain. Of course it'll take a lot of your time to do this. USCCA-HIGH dollar to join, HIGH dollar to renew.They just lowered renewals while I was in rehab and didn't have a secure net hookup. Was over before I got Home to one. Think I'll keep my money. Rest up and get better. GOD, I love .44 specials to. the mushroom

  6. seeker_two6:17 AM

    "a Bulldog sized LCR in 44 Spl!"

    Mmmmmmm.... :)

    Get some rest, Michael. Fame and fortune mean nothing without being healthy enough to enjoy it....

  7. Where does one get the details on this sale? Cimarron's website doesn't seem to have a sale section.

  8. I thought the Justified season finale was quite excellent.

    I really enjoyed that series this year - even though the plots are a bit "see-through", it's good to know that the old west is still alive in least on cable!

  9. Michael I have a Richards and Mason from Cimarron and it is a wonderful gun to shoot in 44 Russian. The grip on it is a little big for me and if I could afford it I would get one of the Navy open tops in a heart beat.

  10. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Tim at USCCA seems like a nice guy and somewhat knowledgeable, but I'm skeptical of CCW expert who lives full-time and a non-ccw state (WI).

    It's not so much of an association, but a CCW corporation, which is ok if you don't mind sending them/Tim your money, but don't mistake it for an NRA or a Buckeye Firearms Association - it is a business.

    Hope your expertise on the advisory board serves them well.

    Dann in Ohio
