Monday, July 05, 2010

One HELL of a Pro-Gun Article... an amzingly surprising place...the Daily Kos, bastion of liberal commentary. Every one of you needs to read this brilliant summation of the Second Amendment:
We talk about the First Amendment as a unique and revolutionary concept -- that we have the right to criticize our government. Does it matter whether we do so while standing on a soapbox on the corner of the street or on a blog? No. Because the concept, not the methodology, is what matters.
And the Second Amendment is no different. It is not about how much ammunition is "excessive" or what types of guns are and are not permissible. Liberals cling to such minutia at the expense of understanding and appreciating the larger concept that underlies this right.
What is the point? Is this a rallying cry for liberals to rush right out and purchase a gun? Absolutely not. Guns are dangerous when used by people who are not trained to use them, just as cars are dangerous when driven by people who have not been taught how to drive.
No, this is a rallying cry for the Bill of Rights -- for all of our rights.
This is an appeal to every liberal who says, "I just don't like guns."
This is an appeal to every liberal who says, "No one needs that much ammunition."
This is an appeal to every liberal who says, "That's not what the Founders meant."
This is an appeal to every liberal who supports the ACLU.
This is an appeal to every liberal who has complained about the Bush Administration's trading of our civil liberties for the illusion of greater security. (I believe I’ve seen a T-shirt or two about Benjamin Franklin’s thoughts on that.)
This is an appeal to every liberal who believes in fighting against the abuses of government, against the infringement of our civil liberties, and for the greater expansion of our rights.
This is an appeal to every liberal who never wants to lose another election to Republicans because they have successfully persuaded the voters that Democrats will not protect their Second Amendment rights.
This is an appeal to liberals, not merely to tolerate the Second Amendment, but to embrace it. To love it and defend it and guard it as carefully as you do all the others.
Because we are liberals. And fighting for our rights -- for all of our rights, for all people -- is what we do.
Because we are revolutionaries.


  1. And if this rationality from a KosKid stuns you, you can regain your equilibrium by reading the batsh*t-crazy comments. For instance, did you know that we like guns because we hate black people?

    Yes, to the lefty mind, racism is the all-purpose explanation.

  2. RevolverRob11:29 PM

    I was with it right until here:

    "This is an appeal to every liberal who never wants to lose another election to Republicans because they have successfully persuaded the voters that Democrats will not protect their Second Amendment rights."

    And that's what it's all about. They can say everything else, but this is what it's about. "We don't want to lose elections, because of guns. So we will say we support them and support gun ownership on the surface, because the high court says those guys have rights too, but we really are just doing it for the votes." At least, that's what ~I~ read when I read that. Maybe I'm just being to pessimistic.


  3. kmitch2001:47 AM

    When the ACLU actually does SOMETHING for gun ownership, like take a freaking gun case because some goofy constitution actually protects civil rights, even that one, then I might start to believe that they are not mind numb flaming liberals.

    Hows about it ACLU?
    Why don't you guys lead the fight to take that Sullivan law and jam it up Bloombergs nether regions.

    Guns are dangerous when used by people who are not trained to use them

    More mumbo jumbo. You need training, you need an FOID card, you need to register it locally, the state needs to "certify" its quality.
    They are most dangerous when you NEED one because the only person around who has one is a criminal that likes to prey on the defenseless.

    This is an appeal to every liberal who never wants to lose another election to Republicans

    Rob nailed this one pretty well...

  4. Bill Lester4:16 AM

    Rob definitely got it right.

    "...and expansion of our rights" is equally troubling. Lemme see, that probably includes

    The right to freedom from deportation when you break immigration laws.

    The right to health care and an education at the expense of someone else.

    The right to housing and a car at the expense of someone else.

    The right to dilute the meaning of marriage into something never intended.

    The list goes on and on.

  5. Moosejaw4:48 AM

    He Gets it! But he does not get it.

    many consevatives were against liberty restricting acts from the Bush Administration(many still are)....he gets that. he seems to get the 2nd, after a fashion.

    but if thinks that our constitutional liberties must be embraced, then turn around and think that they include forced Health Care, murder in the womb, tell us what we can or cannot eat or whether or not we can put salt on it, whether or not we are alowed to smoke, No borders with a major invasion of our land going on as we speak, and a host of other....he just does NOT GET IT.

  6. gunman427824:59 AM

    Not a bad article at all, especially considering the source!

  7. The DailyKos ran this same article with virtually the same wording in 2008.

    Still, if they have recycled it in honor of the McDonald decision, that's OK with me.

  8. ericire127:41 AM

    That article is just drumming up anti governemnt left wing extremism..... Someone is going to get killed.

    I blame Glenn Beck.


  9. Anonymous12:18 PM

    The Democrats need to do more than embrace the 2nd Amendment to win a vote. They also need to abandon 80+ years of socialist policies and rhetorical dreams that were initially made popular by FDR and continue to spread their disease today.

  10. The previous commenters are missing the idea behind the curtain. He is saying that Liberals should be thinking about arming themselves...and why? Because "we are revolutionaries". Did you catch that?
    So far we have been blessed with liberals being anti gun rainbows and unicorns people. If they arm themselves the fight will be deadly and dangerous.

  11. Anonymous7:35 PM

    I'm seeing something happen out here. A solid majority of the population supports the individual's right to own a gun. Al Sharpton's phone lit up with 90% support among his constituents.
    Liberals still willing to think are having to sit up and re-examine hostility to the 2A. There are just too many people of all kinds who want to be able to own a gun.

  12. Anonymous7:36 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. The article made very salient points, but I noticed a lot of that talk sounded very small-government,TEA-Party to me. There was a lot of talk about expanding liberties, and protecting freedom of speech, etc. Isn't it the liberals that are trying to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine"? Isn't it libs that are trying to regulate the Internet via the FCC? McCain/Feingold? McCain isn't exactly a conservative. Who was it telling us what kind of lightbulbs we have to have? Yep, that's freedom. The freedom to obey.
