Friday, July 16, 2010

Win Mel Gibson's Voice on Your Answering Machine!

Okay, I made that up...but wouldn't that be great?

"&%^^%!!! This is Mel. %&^%$% Michael isn't at his &^(&^^ miserable piece of rat ^&*^^%& Secret ^&*((&& Hidden Bunker! So #%%#% YOURSELF, you %^*&^% &^%$#@! Leave a ^%$#%$ message, you $^&^%$, and I hope a gang of %$#$$%% shoves your phone up your ^%$#$% #$^%$#$!!! Have a nice day."

I may be onto a million dollar idea here!

Yesterday I picked up my Remington R1 1911. "You got another 1911?" my Sweetie asked incredulously? Not another 1911, I said, but one with a totally different name roll-marked on the slide! "Well," she said, "that certainly explains it!" I think I detected a note of sarcasm in her voice.

I will say it is one beautiful gun. Fans of retro will be blown away. I might be able to get to the range today and out some rounds through it.

Caleb has a long piece on the Ruger SR9c compact, the gun he's using in his Quest for Master Class.
I received a PM from a friend at the Indiana Gun Owners forum about how I’m liking the Ruger SR9c that I’ve been shooting in the Quest for Master Class at DownRange.TV (latest episode here). So far, I really like the Ruger SR9c – as I’ve said in all my pieces on DRtv, it’s easy to shoot, easy to conceal, and generally a good gun. But let’s look at some specifics about the little 9mm. First off, it’s not really a little gun, but it’s not a big gun either. In terms of size, it’s smaller than a Glock 19, but bigger than a Glock 26. That’s nice, because it has a little bit more gun to hold on to than a Glock 26 when you’re actually shooting the thing.
The whole Ruger SR9 project has been pretty interesting to watch. I got an advance one, went through the GUNSITE 250 pistol class with it and stacks of 9mm Hornady self-defense ammo, had zero failures and shot pretty much the same score as I'd shot with a 1911. I made 2 changes on the pistol ay GUNSITE — I removed the little dohickey that enabled the magazine safety and I put some electric red nail polish on the front sight, a concession to my old eyes. I've had 2 of the post-recall guns, and the triggers are quantum better than Ver. 1.0. The SR9c has the best trigger yet, is accurate, easy to shoot, light and best of all THIN!

Yet the SR9 series of pistols has taken a huge amount of heat, largely from people, largely from people who haven't shot one (or, heck, haven't even seen one). Yeah, the manual safety — a feature I really like  on striker-fired safe-action style pistols — is a little hard to engage. It is, however, very easy to disengage. The magazines have gotten easier to load over the generations, but 17 rounds in a new, narrow magazine can be a challenge.

I've been carrying the SR9c and I like it...10 + 1 9mm, thin, light and accurate...what's not to like? The only thing that keeps me from exchanging my Sig Sauer 226 9 mm bedroom gun for a Ruger is the Crimson Trace LaserGrips on the Ruger. My cherubs and seraphim tell me that the CT for the Ruger is under development...soon...


  1. "Yet the SR9 series of pistols has taken a huge amount of heat, largely from people who haven't shot one (or, heck, haven't even seen one)."

    Well, it's hard to shoot a gun if it's back at the factory for a recall.

    Seriously, Ruger has reached the point where it seems best to let other guys be the beta testers for a couple years before you buy a new model.

  2. Loved the Mel Gibson detail. Lol.

  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    You're the only one I've read so far that actually liked the R1. What do you think about all the negative reviews?

  4. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I really, really liked the R1 Remington I examined @ the LGS.

    Anon @ 4:39: What negative reviews.

  5. Anonymous6:41 PM

    R-1 still needs a lanyard ring!

  6. Anon asked, "What do you think about all the negative reviews?"

    My answer...the same thing I think about all reviews,good, bad and indifferent...nothing at all. I evaluate guns and have been doing so for 30 years or so. I trust my own ability to evaluate guns.

    There are about half-a-dozen people out there whose opinions I respect when it comes to hardware, and they'll CALL me if they need to tell me something.

    The rest is just noise.


  7. Rastus5:35 AM

    I am partial to something less in a trigger pull and put a an early 5 lb Ghost connector in my second SR-9. Cheap, twenty's my skinny full size carry gun in a 5 Shot Leather IWB. I gave my first SR-9 to a friend (gave him choice over a couple) and replaced it as soon as I could.

    If I had gotten off my you know what and bought a holster and mags for it I would have used it in Limited at 2010 PRO AM yesterday instead of the CZ.

  8. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The Remington 1911 R1 is a beautiful rendition of the JMB's1911!
    You know Mel Gibson has been getting alot of bad press and he has brought in on himself. A lot of folks know he is a stone alcoholic with the mental illness that goes along with the disease. It's a disease that tells you, you don't have any problems, it's everybody else. Poor guy needs to seek treatment. That said, he is responsible for everything he says and does! . . . . sgtyates

  9. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Reasons I don't own a Ruger SR9:

    1) I don't own Ruger stock.
    2) I'm not sponsored by Ruger.

    I don't think they are that bad pistols, however, what makes them better than other, proven options? Any sales issues are certainly not due to a lack of advertising on Ruger's part. It's tough to watch any firearm program on TV without seeing loads of Ruger products on display.
