Monday, August 16, 2010

Nothing New Under the Sun

Or something like that...been in the sound studio most of the day, when I wasn't on the phone negotiating. Have I mentioned that I profoundly hate *negotiating?" Good and bad news, announcements in a couple of weeks.

Going to the range tomorrow and clear my head...focus on the rifle, I think. Talked to Fred Busey - "Goatneck Clem" - on cleaning up the new Ruger Red Label clays gun...not a lot of stuff...little trigger work...fiber optic front site...

Back on the road in a couple of days...I need to go lock myself in the gun room and run the Dillon.


  1. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Michael, May I suggest a great book on the art of negotiating? The title is "Getting to Yes", by Roger Fisher and Bill Ury. I had the honor of attending a seminar that Bill Ury spoke at, early in my career and it left a positive mark on me. It helped me to improve my negotiating skills, as well as my leadership skills. Bill Ury also wrote "Getting Past No: Negotiating With Difficult People"; among other similar books.
    If you look at Mr. Ury's resume, you'll be impressed at the other things that he has done.
    Most people don't like to negotiate, but if you can get past that, you will have the upper-hand. The other party who doesn't like to negotiate will wear down quickly and you will gain the advantage. Then, you won't be reporting "bad news" as often as before.
    The book is a fascinating read and worth reading. We in the "Gun Community" should master these skills so that we can educate the un-educated public. Then, they will easily see our point and support us. In the least, the skills help us in our daily lives.
    Life Member

  2. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Bad news?

    Since the cowboy boom went bust a while back I'm guessing Cowboys got the axe?

  3. I await with great sadness the "bad" news.

  4. nj_larry10:29 AM

    All my most useful life skills come from The Godfather.

    "Luca Brasi held a gun to his head, and my father assured him that either his brains -- or his signature -- would be on the contract."

    Very hard to out negotiate that one.

  5. Tim/GA7:29 PM

    Ah, yes. Sitting in front of the blue press! I know the feeling. Getting ready for a 2 day pistol class this weekend, spent some quality time with my Dillon last night and heading back to it again in just a minute.

    Hope the good news outweighs the bad!

  6. Anonymous10:30 PM

    if I promise not to disclose the location of your "batcave" Michael, I'll gladly run your Dillon for you. I could use some time up in the Colorado mountains.
