Monday, September 06, 2010

Fire Day

"Does anyone know where the love of God goes
When the wind turns the minutes to hours..."
--Gordon Lightfoot

Scary as hell today, but we're safe.

The wildfires burning outside Boulder are well away from the Secret Hidden Bunker, but it has been a spooky day. Wind up to 65 mph pushing an out-of-control fire, cutting a swath through the canyons.

Our thoughts and our prayers are with our friends in the fire zone, and with our good friend and his crew who are on the fire line tonight.


  1. Anonymous9:24 PM


    Glad to hear you guys are safe. I saw the flames this morning from Boulder and thought of the last season of BD: Survival. It's one thing to go visit New Orleans or Oklahoma, but to have something so real, acrid, and thick so close to home really drives home the importance of preperation, and makes you realize that there's no time like the present to get your stuff together. Today is another illustration that bug out bags and the like are not for the paranoid, but a simple precaution we all should take.

  2. bgary9:42 PM

    glad to hear you guys are okay. worried about you when I heard the reports on the radio...

  3. Pathfinder5:56 AM

    Saw the reports when I got up this morning, checked a map. Relied on the MSM for accuracy (!!!!!) and hoped the fires "northwest" of Boulder weren't in fact SW of Boulder.

    Next season on TBD:S - Canyon fires! And how to survive them!!

  4. By the way, it's "waves" turn the minutes to hours in the song...but, like, yeah...I know what you mean.

  5. Yeah, I discuss the Evil of Smokey The Bear at length to no avail.

    Some day everyone who believes in self defense will learn to be tactically aware around forests as well as in other areas of their life.

    In Liberty,
