Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Officially a Cowboy RO...

Actually an RO-I and an RO-II, after an all-day class and time on the range. Long overdue, but I swear this is the first spare day I've had to take the classes.

Am pretty proud of today's podcast and the comments on the DRTV Forums. If you get a chance, please give it a listen. Also, take a look at the Forum comments, as some top trainers weigh in on the subject.

'Way tired tonight...gotta go to the range tomorrow...Rocky Mountain Regional Raid this weekend. Marshal's at the IDPA Nationals in Tulsa this week for DRTV, so watch for those reports.


  1. True_Texan12:40 AM

    I don't know how you keep up with the schedule you have. I get tired just reading half the stuff you run around doing.

    I have barely enough energy to keep up with family, work, ranch crap and hunting at this point. Travel and competition are out of the question.

    Call in dead and take 4 days off for your funeral. But you can only do that once or the boss will catch on.

  2. Wallaby Jack4:27 AM

    ROI & ROII ... 'bout time.


  3. So now you can DQ yourself?
