Thursday, October 14, 2010

Smashing More Doors & a Shooting at the Liquor Store...

...all for TBD Season 3, of course. Then I'm off to the Civil War for SG, strangely enough. Pincus & I are going to try and address the open carry movement today...I'm a lot more positive about it than he is, but I think we can find some consensus, especially in terms of dealing with LEOs if/when they are called...


  1. "I think we can find some consensus, especially in terms of dealing with LEOs if/when they are called..."

    You know what the best way to deal with LEO's is?

    Don't needlessly put yourself in a position to have to.

  2. Rastus6:18 PM

    To protect and serve or there to tell you what to do and how to do it?

  3. IMHO, anyone choosing to open carry must also have better retention equipment(Serpa?),excellent situational awareness,super defensive skills and be either fleet of foot or swift of tongue to deal with local LEO. CC works for me.

  4. In Commiefornia open carry is more of a political statement,
    although I will not do it because "Why advertize, when you can suprise."
    I personally carry when in my house and on "my property" being careful not to show or print when outside. I want no hassle from the law.

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