Monday, October 18, 2010

Watching It Snow...

...sitting here at home drinking Tequila Sunrises, waiting for enlightenment, on my brief stopover between 1864 and GUNSITE. Just whipped up the script for the TOP SECRET epidode of SHOOTING GALLERY scheduled to be filmed next guy's will freak on this one! Hint...think "undead."

Am doing more work on pocket piustols this week...that's probably the most common form of carry in the U.S. and I think no nearly enough time has gone into thinking it through. We're trying to remedy that with SG in the 2011 season.


  1. R A S T U S1:55 AM

    A ZOMPOCALYSE episode?

    That would be most excellent...the tactics, tools and targets needed to be ready for tangling with...the undead.

    But really how do you deal with, oh say, Brilcream in the hair of the undead? I understand that crap is so tough that it is almost like ceramic plate..but resiliant and self-healing. Would an initial drenching of motor oil or brake fluid with a supersoaker disperse it? Has Brilcream been replaced by...Mother's wax? I think it is better to just walk away from such zombies and let them jabber in endless circles until they disappear of their own accord. I understand they are not really a threat...being so short and everything.

    Speaking of which...some of us are really expecting a special Podcast next week! Sounds like your preparations will support that...heck, even having it late a couple of days..say Saturday before..would be OK.

  2. 1akmaninfl5:35 AM

    Cedar Creek.... MB said, "I never really thought of reenactment as a "lifestyle," but I was clearly wrong."

    MB, quick read of Tony Horowitz CONFEDERATES IN THE ATTIC may offer SG ideas. Hardcore reenactors plus.

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Check out the zombie targets:

  4. Those tquila sunrises are only for breakfast!

    I cant wait to see that pocket pistols coverage!

  5. Ulmus6:53 PM

    What? No pictures of the snow? Us Floridians basking in the mid 80 degree weather want to see it.

  6. The whole "zombie" thing is as vaguely disturbing as it is tired. It strikes me as a way of fantasizing mass slaughter without the guilt.

    Maybe I'm over-thinking it. In which case I'll just leave it at "the zombie thing is tired."

  7. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Quote from Dave S.
    "It strikes me as a way of fantasizing mass slaughter without the guilt."

    Dave, That's not Zombies, that's Congress.

    Tom B.

  8. "Dave, That's not Zombies, that's Congress."

    Well played, sir.

    [golf clap]
