Thursday, November 18, 2010

Still Kicking But Light Blogging

Am on a few day's breather in Santa Fe, where I have sworn to NOT go back to Back at the Ranch to look at boots that cost more than my Honda Element, no matter what Randy Travis says! I'm going to do a little food blogging, as Santa Fe is one of the greatest food cities on earth.

Hmmmmmmmm...I didn't promise anything about Lucchese, at least nothing Eric Holder can make stick in a civilian court...of course, what could Eric Holder make stick in a civilian court? Alf the Wonder Beagle is a better lawyer -and a more ethical individual - than the least distinguished man to ever hold the position of AG (but Alf us only liscened to practice in Dog Court, in which the cases usually involve pee stains or buried bones).

And in our Michael Is A Moron files this AM, go watch the Colt 1911 video over at DRTV, then ask me what the "signature" logo bird is at eagle? A parrot? A blue-breasted thud pucker. A perodactl?'s a (DUH) raven!!!!! I know apologies to the API list, whom I scandalized with my apparently uncontrollable tongue.

I said "breast" and "tongue" in the same post! I'll bet all the TSA gropers out there are getting all hit and bothered...


  1. Strangely, Eric Holder's legal opinions often seem to involve pee stains and a buried bone. Coincidence?

  2. Smp24210:48 AM

    I understand the boot thing. I was in Dallas last week and some how came home with a pair of Lucchese boots.

  3. You got nothing to worry about on the API list - your friends leapt to your defense!

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