Thursday, December 23, 2010

Steven Hunter on the New TRUE GRIT

Steve put this together yesterday for the Power Line blog, which has graciously allowed us to reprint it here. BTW, don't forget Steve's newest Bob the Nailer book, DEAD ZERO, available within days! 
The Coen Brothers' replicant  of "True Grit" is close enough to its genre origins to refresh some of the great pleasures of the western: men with horses, men with guns, men with really cool hats, and men with faces.  In fact the faces are the proper landscape of the picture, giant granite edifices carved with fissures and aroyos, flecked with wild vegetable growth, dusty and dangerous. 
The most demonic of these belongs to Jeff Bridges, who plays the crazed and canny U.S. Marshal and honcho mankiller Rooster Cogburn behind a scraggily, patched, bearded, weathered and salted mug that looks like it could have been the outer surface of a Spartan shield. When he cranks up that one eye into a squint which is crushed flat by the weight of a collapsed brow and a tensed cheek, he doesn't look adorable at all, certainly not avuncular and mock-grandiose  or ironic like the great John Wayne back in 1969,  he just looks mean and when he's not kicking Indian children for the dang fun of it, squabbling over money, drunk or otherwise occupied, his grit is more than true, it's absolute. It's like he sees the world over the blade of a front sight. 
You can't quite call the film "naturalistic," or claim that it's set in something called The Real West.  The dialogue is too Victorian-ornate (a product of Charles Portis's original gem of a novella) but it is set in a world where the 1969 Henry Hathaway version doesn't exist, derived on a straight line from the Portis text. Any who attend hoping to bath in the wake of the Duke's wake recreated will be disappointed--for about 10 seconds.  
No, Bridges isn't John Wayne, nor is Hallee Steinfeld, who plays the willful Mattie Ross, Kim Darby. She's an authentic 14-year-old, callow and unformed, so the sexual tension of the original is replaced by something more Oedipal: she's the daughter he never had and doesn't know he missed, he's the father shorn of sentimental idealism and softness, living only for a dad's duty and in the end, his keenest is to protect his daughter A signal moment: he rides a horse to death to save her, though she loves the animal and may hate him for it. He's fine with being hated if that's the price of his duty. 
The plot, as many will remember, is primitive, goosed along now and then by a helpful coincidence.  It is propelled by the conceit that her will is so strong that she bullies these mankillers into submission to it and in the end, they're happier for submitting to her executive instincts.  She withers them with wit and shrivels them with her own killer stare. The strongwilled Mattie hires the dissolute mankiller Rooster to track down the man who killed her father, a venture that takes them into the dark interior of  what was then Indian Territory and is now Okalahoma. They range west from Ft. Smith, Arkansas, accompanied by a dandy of a Texas Ranger improbably named LeBoef (Matt Damon) in search of the evil Cheney (Josh Brolin) who has thrown in with a gang of cutthroats and retardates led by Lucky Ned Pepper. Each of these fellows has a face that looks like a leather cushion dragged behind a pickup over 40 miles of bad road, so that movie also has a tone of randome grotesqueness for fans of bad orthadonture and nostrils the size of volcanos. 
But more importantly , "True Grit" is played straight, without wink or irony.  The Coens impose classical discipline upon themselves, refusing even to have a poke at a villain named Cheney. Why,  it's as if these fellows never saw their own post-modernist films and are working in a year before the age dawned when all filmmakers have been to filmschool and have read all the back issues of Cahiers du Cinema. 
I yearn to see an unrated version on DVD, so that Portis's considerable bloodshed will be liberated from the politeness of the PG-13 rating but the Coens do at least as well as Hathaway did in staging action sequences and capturing the dynamic abruptness of the gun fight.  It appears that Bridges is a real horseman as he is seen to ride hard at his opponents on a real mount, reins in his teeth, and a Navy Colt in each hand. The Duke, if memory serves, was clearly riding a saddle secured to the  flatbed of a pickup truck in those scenes 40-odd years ago. 

Perhaps you have to skew way old to enjoy the film as much as I did; but for me, it put in me a hunger for popcorn and those grenade-like Milk Dud things that exploded in a spew of industrial grade caramal and enameled your molars together for weeks.


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    A fine review, but I went over to Power Line to read it, since they don't use the horrible white text on black background that you do. Much easier on the eyes! Thanks for the pointer, though.

  2. nj_larry2:47 PM

    As the years have accumulated, I find it harder and harder to watch the movies of those actors that take active left wing political stands on issues I care about. When younger and rebellious, I could make all the excuses for watching Barbarella or Klute with Hanoi Jane. But that was then and now is now. Today I just can't stomach the Hollywood intelligentsia taking my money and using it against me. I would love to watch a remake of True Grit, but with Damon and Brolin in it I am afraid I would puke in the theater. I'll netflix the Duke if I feel inclined to see the aspens in the golden sun of an autumn in the Rockies.

  3. We here in Maine have a native lumber company that advertises on our local politically incorrect radio station about their 5 class lumber grading system.. Seems to apply to the actors in this "remake" that might garner the dukes ire:

    Bridges: wicked good (highest grade lumber)
    Damon: good enough (next to the lowest grade lumber)
    Brogan: well, if that's all you got! (lowest grade lumber)

    Gotta agree with nj Larry on this one!

  4. Uncle Sam's Misguided children cut the Son&Heir loose on leave yesterday. His girlfriend had to work a shift so the old man got call it boys night.

    First order of business was inspecting, cleaning and slipstreaming (lube) the used 9mm I picked up yesterday (after 10 day CA wait period).

    Second order of business was getting out together to see True Grit.

    It was with some fear and trepidation I bought a ticket. The memory of the Duke in the role being what it is.

    Well, I gotta say, I think they out did the original. The dialogue alone set a completely different tone. Good stuff -- like we were there with them in the story.

    Not much talk from a young Marine trying to stay awake on first night of leave but an evening and movie we'll remember.

  5. Anonymous6:01 PM

    How the hell did the great Hunter misspell Oklahoma?

  6. Doc O Glock2:57 PM

    I understand the thoughts about Brolin, et al and politics. I "rationalise" by drawing the line at Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn and their ilk. I thought that this was truly one of the best of the western genre in my memory. I can't say enough about the Coen brothers. Last year Old Country for Old Men, and now this.

  7. Really useful piece of writing, lots of thanks for your article.

  8. Pretty helpful data, thank you for the article.
