Friday, January 07, 2011

SHOCK! There's Writing on Street Signs!

This is one of the views near the Secret Hidden Bunker in the Rocky Mountains...this marks the first time I've ever seen it so clearly without glasses. The surgery seems to have worked somewhat better than left eye has excellent distance vision (for now, roughly 20/20-20/30, although it will take a month for the eye to "settle down." My right eye is slightly weaker and has some permanent damage, a slight fogginess, from the shingles attack that started this whole mess so long ago.

My eye doctor whipped up a quickie glasses prescription, and a had a pair made just in case, but so far I'm not having any problem seeing very clearly without glasses or contacts. If the situation holds, I'll probably investigate a contact lens for my right eye to correct a minor astigmatism and bring that vision to as good as it can be. I still have to have glasses to read, but so far I seem to be able to hold a pretty sharp sight picture.

I'm holding off going to the range as per the doctor's instructions on "eye strain," but I've done a modest amount of dry-firing and it seems to me that my vision is almost as good as when this whole ridiculous circus started. Again, if you have not been vaccinated for the shingles virus, a little left-over surprise from our childhood chicken pox, I strongly urge you to SPRINT to your doctor's office and get the shot! Let my tens of thousands of dollars, 2 surgeries, and at times agonizing pain and partial blindness be a lesson to you all!

BTW, speaking of sight pictures, guns and stuff like that, I mentioned this meme on one of the forums, but it still strikes me as pretty goes something like, "If you're going to get a small 9mm, get a Kahr Arms even though they're substantially more expensive, because, hey, what is your life worth anyway? And if you can't get a Kahr, get a Kel-Tec because, hey, they're really, really cheap!" Is it just me or does that seem weird?

I'd say if you're shopping for a mini-9mm — and I believe that hundreds of thousands of you will be in 2011 — try as many as you can and pick the one that hits the correct balance between what you like and your ability to shoot it. Let me repeat that — you need to find the balance between what you like, usually the smallest, lightest thing on the market, and the platform that allows you to deliver the follow-up shot quickly 100% of the time.

I am not a huge fan of the really tiny 9mms — the beautifully made Rohrbaugh comes to mind —   because they are extremely hard for me to shoot well (and keep in mind that I shoot a lot). Same philosophy on the ultralight J-frames, especially in .357 Magnum (the S&$ 340 is around 12 ounces, I think). Some people shoot the itsy-bitsy blaster extremely well...I am not one of those people...

I've talked a lot about being willing to carry 9mm over .45 ACP (not a fan of the .40, remember) due to modern bullet design. But my own personal self-defense philosophy calls for multiple shots quickly to neutralize an aggressor. I can't make multiple shots quickly if the recoil of the gun couple with the size of the frame is enough to break my grip on each shot. That is going to be different for every person and every gun, and that's why I think split time, time between shots, may be a primary factor in choosing a small carry gun.

Think about that...


  1. You've hit on my one of my pet peeves about (whatever you want to choose) firearm fanboys. They have the attitude that if you are using anything but their favorite firearm brand/model is putting their life in danger. The truth is, use whatever works best for you. It may be that pocket 380, a $10000 1911 in 45 or a $500 Glock in 9mm. It doesn't matter as long as it works for you and you carry it. There is a podcast I'm about to stop listening to (not yours) because the host insists that everyone should be carrying a 40 caliber Glock and an AK in 7.62x39 because everything else is garbage. How can I trust anything this guy says when he won't even consider anything else?

  2. Uno Mas1:37 PM

    That's GREAT!!!


  3. Glad you're doing well. As for the quote, I'm betting it's sarcasm. I can see myself saying something like that. "If you can't get something that works might as well go with the cheapest since it also might not work but at least you won't have wasted too much cash".

  4. Great news about your eyesight. Few things are more precious than your sight.
    I will see if I can't take your vaccination advice!
    Sensible advice on the carry nine. Right now I am carrying my S&W5904 all the time and given my size actually works well during the winter. Come summer I will need that small nine

  5. Old Windways6:46 PM

    Glad to hear that the surgery went well! I had the same reaction when I got my first set of glasses in the third grade. All of a sudden I could see the bark on trees, it was mind boggling.

  6. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Take a walk across campus now :). My little brother got his first pair of glasses and started reading T-shirts out-loud on the way home... Mom wasn't so happy.

    As for carry guns, the old IPSC advice works well here too-- First it's gotta work and second it has hit what yer shooting at. Everything else is gravy.

  7. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Great news about your surgery success and your eyesight! I'd recommend wearing glasses anyhow though. I'd pass on the contact lense. My advice is similar to your advice regarding the "shingles" vaccine as a "fail-safe". Protect your eyes. One cut cornea was enough for me. It was freak accident for me. Aren't they all? I need prescription lenses anyhow, so I look at it as a mixed blessing to have to wear glasses.

    As far as the compact pistols; I like my 5900-series Smiths' in 9mm and agree with 'Scout. I also like my 1911 .45s. I'm leaning toward a Para Ordinance "Warthog" as my more compact compromise. For me, I think that it will carry well.

    Life Member

  8. Glad to hear that the surgery was a success and the vision has improved.

    I can only second your advice about the shingles vaccine. I was fortunate that my bout with shingles was in the arm and caught very quickly. Still, it wasn't a comfortable two weeks. I've spoken to my internist and we are working on getting me the shingles vaccine.

  9. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Looks like Discovery Channel has a new gun show starting in a couple of weeks. This after Top Gun means that the gun world has made it to the big time Cable guys. Wonder if MB knows of this shop in Louisiana?

  10. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Sorry left off the shows website....

  11. Ruger LC9!!!! Ruger makes the pistol that Glock refuses to make! They will sell millions!!!

  12. Ben C9:04 PM

    Glad to hear your eyes are doing better! Just have to say that MB with a monocal would be pretty fun to watch on SG.

  13. Over the last 6 months I have shot about 90% of my rounds on the clock, either in practice or in competition. I find my reloads to be about 1 second faster with my G19 than with my PM9 and all other times/splits to be the same.

    This holds true for steel challenge (yes with a PM9), Hackathorne Standards, FAST drills, everything.

    So if I need 7 rounds it is a push if I need any more the Glock wins, so I normally carry the Glock, but I do like carrying the PM9 more.

  14. Sardude10:07 AM

    Prayers and Best Wishes Michael!!

    As one who has experienced shingles first do suck!

  15. Me too Sardude.

    I was 20 and got them as I was getting back to school after Chemo.

    It took about 5 years to get the pain down to about once a year now after 13 years there is nearly no affect.

  16. Anonymous9:14 AM

    There are only two guns I've ever owned that I ran the pin table clean with 5 shots first time out. One was a Glock 20 (yay, 10mm). The other one was a SIG-Sauer P239 9mm.

    That solves my "small 9mm" ecological niche.

    Medium Sized Jake
