Tuesday, February 01, 2011

A Bit Nippy...

-20 here at the Secret Hidden Bunker!


  1. Anonymous7:53 PM

    It's a bit nippy East of you too!
    Only -6 so far.


  2. SteveP8:51 PM

    Nice here in Florida 70 but I'll split it and maybe we can both put up with global warning

  3. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Quit whining...lots of folks put up with worse weather than that. Quickly comes to mind the Finns during the Winter War, The GIs in the Battle of the Bulge, the Marines at Chosin Reservoir or some kid at 15K feet on the side of a mountain in Astan tonite. Everything is relative.

  4. philw9:11 PM


    it is cool 96 today here in South Australia and was 107 on monday :P

    however up in North QLD are bracing for it at the moment with Cyclone Yasi

  5. Sapper3Delta10:59 PM

    -20F in the Springs, too. I almost wish the snow would stick so there would be a layer of insulation keeping us to +32F.

  6. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Back in about 1991 I was in North Dakota on a business trip. It was Spring, and traveling with me was a young man who'd never been north of New York City. As we walked through the hotel parking lot, he asked me why they had parking meters. I told him to look in the grills of the parked cars. Of course, he next wanted to know why there were extension cords there. So we went to breakfast, where I explained Winter in ND. OldeForce
    wv: acuriggs Come in handy when you have a new rifle.

  7. FFS It was 78 here in hill country Texas about 36 hours ago, now... 16.

    I didn't flee the north for this!

  8. True_Texan1:13 AM

    Dang this global warming. Around 20ºF (temp still dropping as I type) here in South-Central Texas. May not be that cold to some of you Northern folk, but I have to wear my hunting coveralls to let the puppy out so she can fertilize the lawn. Without those clothes, I might consider cleaning up the mess made inside. (50ºF is heavy jacket weather to me.)

    Actually hearing forecasts of snow. If that happens, I ain't driving anywhere. It's bad enough when rain falls. Can't imagine the chaos around here if the precipitation is frozen.


  9. Wallaby Jack1:36 AM

    We got up to 43 today .....

    ................ CENTIGRADE !

    anybody want some ?

  10. Ice storm this morning on Long Island....just sick and tired of winter at this point.

    Punxatawney Philbert sez spring...

    here on LI Holbrook Hal sez winter...

    ...damned rodents cant be on the same page can they now...I think my .243 Vanguard should make short work of 'em

  11. 17 degrees Gore, and still snowing here in Maine.. was -20 a couple mornings ago, but global warming has come to the rescue!.. expecting 12 more inches today...

  12. Ummmm... Turn the heat on!

  13. I'm a little south of you and it's nippy here too. I'm wearing a hat around the house, and had to hunt the cats down who were finding all the warm spots of the in-floor heating.

  14. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Hey "Anonymous @9:02 pm",
    Thanks for the lecture!
    What heroics have you engaged in? What contributions have you made?

    Life Member

  15. Rainy drizzly day here in Florida so had some time to surf.
    I copied this from New Gingrich’s newsletter and have formulated my response to it below.

    The Islamic Brotherhood's insignia is two crossed swords under the Koran. Its founding slogan is " Allah is our objective, the Prophet is our leader, the Koran is our law, Jihad is our way, and dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope." Its Palestinian branch is Hamas, which is designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department.

    An American answer to the Islamic Brotherhood


    American freedom is our objective
    The Bible and the US Constitution (both inspired by God)lead us.
    Nuetralizing Jihadists or any enemies of freedom is our way.
    Sharia law and any societal intolerance are anathema to us.
    Preserving life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is our highest hope
    We will persevere until all threats to the America we love are gone.
    We will be glad to help you achieve your fifth objective if you attack us.
