Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pause For a Moment...

...for the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The poster above is a death penalty for all Jews caught outside the Warsaw Ghetto and for any Poles caught helping the Jews. As many as 13,000 Jews died in the uprising, but most of the remaining 50,000 Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto went to the gas chambers of Treblinka.

We mourn the deaths, but celebrate the undeniable fact that for one magnificent month a poorly organized, largely unarmed band of freedom fighters defied the massive Nazi war machine and, above all, remember.


  1. Thanks for reminding us...and for remembering.

  2. And you know how these people armed themselves?

    They attacked lone German soldiers, and (even though being armed with nothing more than knives, clubs or rocks) killed them, and took their arms and ammunition.

    Then they used that gun to get another gun, and so on and so on.

    This is the other face of "Molon Labe!"

    They did, indeed, "Come and Take Them!" (Leonidas would have been proud of them.)

    Edmund Burke said all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

    This is the sort of things that good men will do, to fight evil.

  3. KMitch20011:16 PM

    Leonidas would have been proud of them. This is the other face of "Molon Labe!"

    Damn straight!
    Leonidas would have been proud to be in the fight!

    The way this country is headed, we will all be in ghettos soon.

    Great post MB.

  4. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Thank you and bless you Michael for helping to keep this essential bit of history alive and out of the Memory Hole.

    Never again!

  5. Thanks for posting this reminder.
    Other than this being a part of history not to be forgotten, there is inspiration to be had in the fact that people can overcome terrific odds if need be.

  6. Bill Lester4:20 AM

    Let us also remember the anniversary of another band of patriots who faced the best-equipped, best-trained and well-led army of its day. Farmers and shop keepers who took up personal arms and stood eyeball-to-eyeball with a most formidable foe. Men who took terrible losses in the first volley of a new war but quickly regrouped and inflicted a bloody vengeance on their retreating opponents.

    Let's all remember the Militiamen at Lexington & Concord, April 19, 1775.

  7. Anonymous6:05 AM

    A little closer to home lets not forget Frank Fontaine, comedian (Crazy Guggenheim) was born on April 19.

  8. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Bill Lester- hurrah. the mushroom
