Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bored Now...

...guess where? On the way to Bianchi Cup for bringing my head cold with me as I'd be lonesome without it.

Dinner tonight with Larry Potterfield...always fun! Will apply wine therapy to cold...

Finished 20th and last complete book in the Patrick O'Brian Aubrey/Maturin "Master & Commander" cast adrift, so to speak. May try "Game of Thrones" again, since I've been watching the series on HBO and like it a whole bunch.

Ordered a plain vanilla 10/22 from CDNN to build up...$190, cheap at the price.

-- Post From The Road


  1. i wasn't aware the M&C series spanned TWENTY books. sheesh. that's a hell of a series. i'd considered getting into it but i'm still burnt out from reading the Sword of Truth series. title brings to mind one particular episode of Buffy.

  2. Try Steven Erikson's "Malazan: Book of the Fallen" series. First book is "Gardens of the Moon". He's a professional anthropologist writing dark fantasy about professional soldiers. Very cool stuff! Many races and cultures, fully developed, and shows you things from all the different angles. It's not Tolkein's fantasy at all.

  3. Uno Mas4:07 PM

    "Jack, you've debauched my sloth!"

    The only possible solace after finishing Blue at the Mizzen is to start afresh with Master and Commander. It was like reading an entirely new series. How did I miss all those wonderful asides and subtleties?

  4. Anonymous8:53 PM

    If you like hard sci fi check out James P Hogan. 10/22 build huh? Mine could use some help, bought it new on sale a couple years ago, wasn't impressed as it misfed almost as much as it fed. Have other 22s so haven't gotten back to figure it out yet. Have fun at Bianchi

    - Grizzly Dave

  5. Bruce Gray is there representing the old school. Say hello and let us know how he does.

  6. Rob Drummond8:28 AM

    I read the complete series of M & C with the exception of the unfinished #21 which I haven't read yet. I read them years ago and started when Patrick OBrian was on #11. I wondered how far he'd get before he met St Pete at the gate. I have been a naval history buff since a kid and studied the men, ships, rigging, food, weapons, etc and nothing I have ever read in novel form ever came close to the M & C series. I read all of CS Foresters books too and they were good but not like P.O's. Funny, Forester had an unfinished novel going whne he died called something like the Last look just like #21. Michael, I hoped you had fun reading the M & C series.
    Rob Drummond
    Hillsboro, NH
