Thursday, May 05, 2011

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Which is, of course, my birthday, too. Last year we had a birthday party at GUNSITE; this year I'm spending the day working on scripts with producer Tim C. and Joe M. I probably couldn't make this stuff is infinitely strange.

I talked to I.S.S. about doing a major episode of SHOOTING GALLERY on how they work with television and movie productions, and they would love to do it (luckily, there are a bunch of SG fans there!). They are Class 3 manufacturers in addition to being dealers, and the local rules (not to mention BATFE) are draconian.

Neat to see "famous" guns piled hither and yon..."The Pacific" over here, "Avatar" over there. Saw one magnificent '28 Thompson they sourced for a major Hollywood star whose name I have sworn not to utter. We'll be back at I.S.S. tomorrow, working in the machine gun room.

I think GUN STORIES s going to be a cool cool show...Tim and I have another show, MACHINE GUN, rattling around in our heads...but that'll be for next year after I get the hour-long SHOOTING GALLERY sorted out!

Glad to see that Colorado ranked low in the annual Brady Bunch poll of state gun laws...the lower your score, the better a place your state is to live. States with the highest scores should be auctioned off on eBay to raise money to reduce the deficit.


  1. Happy Birthday!

    In my opinion, Texas (my home state) has way to many points, 6. We need to get that down to 0 or lower.

  2. Sohrob.9:51 AM

    Happy Birthday Mike! Take the time to put the world on hold for a day and enjoy it in a way you find most appropriate. For me, it'd be imagining that "Oh S@*#!" look in OBL's eyes before he caught lead.YMMV. Have fun!

  3. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Happy Birthday to the maker of some of my favorite tv shows.

  4. gunman4278212:00 PM

    Mike, if you do the machine gun show, be sure and come back to Knob Creek. And come in the store and say hi!

  5. Secesh12:05 PM

    Happy Birthday. Wow!! A one hour Shooting Gallery sounds great. Is there a possibility of getting longer seasons on the shows? 13 weeks go by so fast. I'm looking forward to the new show in July.

  6. Pathfinder2:45 PM

    Nice way of letting slip - on YOUR birthday no less - the name of the new show, as well as the fact you are moving SG to a full hour. Cool!

    Now, if we can just get to your haberdasher . . . .

  7. Uno Mas3:47 PM


    California is Number One again!!!

    Errrrr... wait... Being first in ineffective stupidity isn't a good thing.

    Happy Birthday - Many More!


  8. Happy Birthday Michael!!! I enjoyed speaking with you at the NRA Show. Thank you again for all you have done for us. Talk to you soon.

  9. nj_larry5:35 PM

    ...Tim and I have another show, MACHINE GUN, rattling around in our heads...

    Ok It looks like you are going to be marching thru the Periodic Table of weapons. Can you tell me what season the Panzerfaust (my fav weapon of WWII) will be covered? Before or after Naval Guns?

  10. Joe Thompson6:30 PM

    Me too on the happy birthday thing. When you get home, be sure to pull out that six-shooter and celebrate! You need a break.

  11. Can you run the Tom Selleck Temper Tantrum past the guys at I.S.S?

    I can not be the only one who thinks praise for Selleck is highly misplaced.

  12. Rich N.8:17 PM

    Happy Birthday!

  13. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Happy Birthday.

  14. Happy Birthday!

    I am saddened that our CinC did not deliver his traditional "Cinco de Quattro" speech. ;)

  15. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Speaking of anti-gun states: It's high time that gun and ammo' makers, as well as shooting accessory producers take action and establish their new facilities in pro-2A states that are also Right-to-Work states. Then move their old operations to the new locations as the old stuff becomes obsolete. We should all support these actions and offer encouragement to the manufacturers and dsitributors.
    I would also recommend this to the various shooting magazines, especially those that moved to the State of Illinois!

    Life Member

  16. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Hey John Jacob H.,

    What's the info'on Brer' Selleck? I couldn't find anything on an "ISS" blow-up. He took on Rosie, so he's still good in my book. What am I missing?


    Life Member

  17. Martin5:59 PM

    5 May? You have the same birthday as Sir Harry Paget Flashman!

  18. Anonymous6:34 PM

    My read of the story on Selleck a couple of weeks ago goes into the plus column for me. I don't see any connection to ISS. Had to do with an extra on set.

  19. Hi Anonymous!

    Thanks for the inquiry.

    Since it is generally considered bad form by the netiquette gurus (who woulda thunk there is actually etiquette on the net?) to post direct links like this:

    I tried to be more subtle and include the link in my Name/url tag.

    Apparently, you never clicked my name to see the link.

    Hope this helps.

    In Liberty,

  20. Susan wishes you a Happy Belated Birthday from Memphis! Hope you got at least a mini-break. From all the comments, you look to be a working all the time also. Take care and be well.

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