Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oh Boy! More Shoveling!!!

A foot of snow waiting for me at home tomorrow, along with a Sig 238. Sigh...break out the damn snow shovel...again. I hope I can get home. It has been a SUPER filming session here at Cody. Warren Newman, the curator, is one of the coolest, most knowledgeable people around, and I enjoy working with him. And Joe Mantegna is just wonderful to work with. I can't wait for you guys to see the show!


  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    You think you have it bad, It is 64 here in Tampa this morning. Brrrrrrrrrrrr

  2. Rastus7:55 AM

    Ditto for the global's 60 and gonna rain here in Tulsa.

    Abnormally cold and wet for this time of the year.

    REALLY glad I don't have snow ! ! ! Not to rub it in or anything.

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Hey bane, the CDC has a Zombie page!

    - Grizz

  4. Anonymous1:14 PM

    What's the matter Bane, the neighbors don't want you clearing snow with a flame thrower? I can see it now, you clearing snow with a flame thrower cackling maniacally and your sweetie telling you to watch out for her car.


  5. Anonymous4:18 PM


    My name is Ben and I’m working with History to help spread the word about their new Civil War film, Gettysburg, produced by Ridley and Tony Scott.

    I recently came across your site and I thought you might be interested in the film and potentially letting your readers know about it as well. Not a lot of people have heard about the film yet so we are really trying to raise awareness at the grassroots level. It airs on History Monday, May 30th, at 9pm and you can watch the trailer below where I’ve also included a brief summary of the program.

    Lastly, if you are interested in posting I can offer you some items for your time as well as for your readers if you wanted to do a giveaway. I have logoed History t-shirts, notebooks, and Ogio messenger bags (happy to send you pics of these).

    Thanks for your time and please let me know if you have any questions, need more material, or if you are interested in posting as we would really appreciate it.





    Summary: Gettysburg is a 2-hour HISTORY special that kicks off a week of History programming commemorating the 150’th anniversary of the Civil War.

    Executive produced by Ridley and Tony Scott, this special strips away the romanticized veneer of the Civil War. It presents the pivotal battle of Gettysburg in a new light: as a visceral, terrifying and deeply personal experience, fought by men with everything on the line. Compelling CGI  and powerful action footage place viewers in the midst of the fighting, delivering both an emotional cinematic experience and an information packed look at the turning points, strategic decisions, technology and little known facts surrounding the greatest engagement ever fought on American soil. 

    The special begins in the high stakes summer of 1863, as the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia crosses into Pennsylvania. Trailed by the Union’s Army of the Potomac, Lee’s 75,000 strong army heads towards Harrisburg, converging instead near a quiet farm town, Gettysburg.  Known then only as a crossroads where ten roads running in all directions converge like a wagon wheel, this small town would become site of an epic battle between North and South.  For three days, each side fought there for their vision of what America should be.

    In collaboration with highly esteemed Civil War historians, HISTORY combed through hundreds of individual accounts of the battle to find the unique voices of struggle, defeat and triumph that tell the larger story of a bitterly conflicted nation. 

    In keeping with recent FTC rule changes, we request that you provide
    full disclosure to your audience in regards to your relationship with
    our brand. Please make clear that you were contacted directly by
    History who asked for your participation in the ways
    outlined above. In addition, please disclose fully any materials
    and/or products we have shared with you as part of this initiative.
    Your honest and transparent participation is truly valued. We look
    forward to working with you again on future initiatives.

  6. Pathfinder7:29 PM

    OOOOOOOooooookkkkkaaaay - after that brief (???) commercial interlude, BTTTAIP -

    MB, even here in ND the snow has departed, the river flood is just about over, and the tractors are out in the fields getting muddy but putting the crops in. Maybe the North Pole shifted to, oh, I don't know, maybe Nederland, CO?

    I do envy the P238, though, hopefully the model with the aluminum grips, nights sights, etc.

  7. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Looking at the radar tonight you're still getting snowed on up there. Just rain down here in town.

    - Grizz

  8. kmitch20010:58 PM

    Hope you don't get too much global warming. Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring, but what does a target know anyhow.

    Now get some SLEEP!
    Your Mom

    BTW Path,
    What the hell is BTTTAIP?
    I couldn't even find the meaning searching the errornet for it.

  9. Pathfinder12:34 PM

    BTTTAIP == Back To The Thread Already In Progress

  10. nice post.Keep it up..
