Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Take That, Sir Isaac!

So I'm getting ready to fly cross country to the DC area and I get an email "Schedule Change" bulletin from United. According to the bulletin, I will be arriving in Baltimore about an hour before I leave Denver.

I'm good with that...I personally think that we have been held hostage by this whole time conundrum thing far too long. I wonder what other laws have changed since I drove to the airport...gravity, maybe. It will make for some really hilarious episodes of the Big Bang Theory next season!

I need to call my Sweetie and tell her under no circumstances to allow Pokke-san the Tailless Cat to go into a steel-lined box...especially if there's a geiger counter present. Heaven knows what would happen! He'd probably come out of the box with a velociraptor in his jaws to show mommy...

As usual, my best-laid plans for dry-firing ran up against a ton of the things I actually do to make money, which, in these grim times, gets done firstest. That's not a word, but it should be. I have a 2-day cowboy match, the Rocky Mountain Regional Raid, coming up this weekend, and I'd like to come out pretty well. Interestingly enough, I'm getting a new SxS shotgun, a Browning BSS, from gunsmith Johnny Meadows this week. My Sweetie correctly pointed out that I'd call anyone who changed a piece of primary equipment the day before a big match an...how did she put it?...idiot. QED, I'll stick with the Stoeger this weekend.

I'm also thinking of shooting/filming the IDPA Worlds, their first world championship, in September in Florida. What would you guys think of a full-court-press on the IDPA Worlds? I'd be wired throughout the entire match, so you'll undoubtably get to see me self-destruct on camera.

I'm going to make some hard decisions on the SHOOTING GALLERY schedule next week, which I'll discuss/announce her on the blog. We're also putting together the scenarios for THE BEST DEFENSE...head over to the TBD Forum on DRTV and throw your ideas into the mix.


  1. fair warning: it's DISGUSTINGLY HOT in Baltimore right now. they say it's going to cool down but i don't believe them.

    today it's 95 with ridiculous humidity...feels like it's around 100. so, y'know, be prepared for August weather, since apparently we skipped June and July.

  2. shawn w4:51 PM

    i don't know how you keep up this pace micheal.
    my sweetie had some medical problems the last few months and just doing house work is kicking my butt.
    i couldn't imagine keeping a schedule like yours.
    though i do appreciate it.
    i love all the shows and the podcast is a definitely the bright spot of my week.

    I've also got a good idea for TBD.
    might take you out of your comfort zone a bit. I'll post it over on the forum.

    keep up the good work cowboy and good luck with the match.

  3. Firstest may already be in the language. Nathan Bedford Forest is quoted as saying the basis of his tactics was "Getting there the firstest with the mostest". Though he was quoted in the NYT, so it's probably inaccurate.

  4. Old Weird Harold3:46 PM

    One of my very good pals will be a CSO for the world match in FLA and I'm planning on attending same. It's about 3 weeks after our Tri-State (TN/AR/MS) match at MSSA. You should come shoot that match for a tune-up. I promise you'll see stages at our match at least as difficult as at the world match.

