Sunday, September 18, 2011

Camped Out... my living room with my left knee elevated and iced. Wowie-zowie, that bone-on-bone thing really really hurts! Also, probably not a great idea that Mr. Stupid decided to shoot a cowboy match yesterday. I figured I'd hobble through the stages and have fun, which I did right up until the last stage, when I got cute and tried to hobble a little faster. Got through the rifle, the pistols and then placed my left leg just sooooooooooooo...

Luckily, I held onto the shotgun, although when the white flash of sheer pain passed, I managed to shoot the wrong targets, then reloaded and shot the right targets. Hilarity prevailed. My bad. Nothing hurt but my pride. My Sweetie, BTW, blazed through the match, grabbing Top Woman honors!!!

I got my first shot of this year's sequence of chemical sludge into my knee last week; it usually takes a few weeks after the 3rd shot for it to take effect. I'm hoping the sludge continues to work, as I am 'way too busy to get my knee replaced. But it is what it is...if I gotta, I gotta. And a lot of you commenters have urged me to just get on with it. Ditto for my good friend gunsmith Dick Heinie, who told me a couple of weeks ago that he was sorry he'd waited.

Meanwhile, I'm on the Dr. Gregory House diet, along with an intimate relationship with ice packs. How, one might ask, do I plan to shoot the IDPA Worlds, all things considered. How about...verrrrrrrrrrrry slowly! LOL! Maybe they'll add a Combat Walker class.

I want to get this sorted out because I am planning on during next year's Survival has been a longtime since I tightened down and forced myself to do something really hard, and it'll be fun. Well, fun is a relative term.

I did get to the range on Friday to zero the SR9s with Wilson 125-gr Match Ammo (which is awesome, BTW). I also put a bunch of rounds through 3 1911s — the Sig I picked up last week and 2 Commander-length Paras. Man, all three rocked! I'm going to talk about them in this week's podcast, and we did do some still photography and Marshal and I will be doing full video reports on all three guns. Essentially, the 100th Anniversary of the 1911 has yielded some spectacular guns.


  1. nj_larry2:29 PM

    MB if you do go for the bionic knee, make sure you check out the hospital and surgeon for infection rates. Anytime you open up the body you run the risk (not insignificant I warn ya) of a staph infection. This is not trivial and can really ruin your life. I know from family that it can be touch and go with respect to the old dirt nap.

  2. gunman427822:55 PM

    My have trouble with my knees too. I know how you feel bro.

  3. kmitch2003:08 PM

    Ahh yes, the old "How long will I have to pay for this with ice packs?" routine.

    Losing weight helps knees but if you are bone on bone, it's a given the knee has to go away.

    Ditto for my good friend gunsmith Dick Heinie, who told me a couple of weeks ago that he was sorry he'd waited.

    I'm tellin' ya, you will kick your own ass for waiting.

  4. I was starting to have a knee problem, and the doc said to loose weight (topped out at 205, and about 5-10 high... .. i am doing weight watchers on line for men, and have lost 26 pounds in about 15 weeks.. it is amazing... i am much more flexible, have lots of energy, and feeling about 15 years younger (real age 57) ... and the knee? what knee?... it worked like a charrm, and also reduced bp 20-25 points, and cholestorol (total) from 210 to 150.... i was stupid not to do this before now! (no, i do not have a stake in the company, it just works)

  5. what i forgot to add is that i travel alot and can do this, with dicipline, even in the deep south eating lunch atbsmall town southern cooking buffets... lost a pound last week in north georgia...

  6. Have been focusing on losing weight and more exercise for a month...I will press on regardless! Seriously, am very pleased with my last season in cowboy,band I need to be in better saoe for the next level...

    Jon Weiler's match really inspired me! What would you guys think if DRTV/Shooting Gallery sponsored a 2-person team next year made up of DRTV Forum members???? Hopefully, I'll be racing, too...



  7. I hate auto spell...need to be in shape for th next level in cowboy..and I want to o Jon Weiler's race in 2012...


  8. Feels stupid of me to say this with my knee up in the air...LOL...but I've done stupid before!!!


  9. Anonymous9:10 PM

    ol' Hop Along Bane's knee was hobbling him big time on Saturday. But, he cowboy'd on up and kept on keepin on. The smart thing would have been to take a seat when not shooting, but he spotted, ran the timer, ran guns, and did just as many posse chores as anyone else.

    MB, great shooting with you and your lovely sweetie as always. I hope your knee cooperates enough that you can have fun at the IDPA Worlds.

    - Grizz

  10. SteveP6:42 AM

    Good luck Michael I tore Meniscus while backing up from a threat target. Finished the drill and that was it until surgery. Been there, done that, and I feel for you.

    PS recovery takes longer the older (maybe more experienced would be a better term) you get

  11. Anonymous10:44 AM


    Git er dun! I had mine smashed in a motorcycle accident at 51. Lucky to keep the leg. Only had about 60 degrees, declining to 40 over the years, of bend. Problem was at the time of the accident 1 out of 3 injuries as tramatic as mine lost their leg when a replacement was tried due to infection. That has changed in the past 13 years. Medicine and replacements have grown leaps and bounds. It takes the Ortho who did mine (this year) about 45 minutes for a typical replacement. I was under the knife for 4 1/2 hours. Knee replacement was partially successful, in that I wound up with a knee cap that popped back out of place, so that my ultimate range of motion won't be as good. We had 80 degrees after the operation. Everyone I know is always sorry they "put it off" and I only wish I could have had mine done earlier. It's been a bitch hunting as a gimp (I only walk clockwise around hills because the stiff left leg would pitch me off if I went the other way LOL) and shooting IDPA meant I always had the slowest time, so I had to work on technique for engaging targets at distance (but for an old bullseye shooter that wasn't a big deal). You will be glad when it is over and a good Orth will give you all the facts, have a couple of plans in place in the event of problems and use the best facility. Mine has folks suit up in "space suits" when he operates just as precaution against infection, something I was a high risk canidate for. Seriously, I would bet you will be over joyed witht he results and surprised at how much better you feel and get around.

    (neighbor down South in New Mexico)

  12. Dale Patterson11:39 AM

    Of course I can't know the condition of your knees but.... several years ago I was sure I was headed for eventual replacement, then along came the simvist shots. They have done well for me, lasting a year or more for each series. that beats the hell out of letting a surgeon get to you.

    Good luck

  13. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I saw a picture of Maggie Reese with a brace on at the USPSA shoot. Said she put off surgery to compete in three different events.

    One tough girl.


  14. Lawrence12:16 AM

    Michael, its funny you should mention this. I got a hyperextended left knee combined with arthritis which makes for a fascinating combination of pain and misery. Im hoping to have insurance in another month and if I hold out till then through the pain I can get through this agony once and for all. Know what else would be great? A lot of us are limping around in agony from car wrecks and such, and we have fears of attack like everyone else. with the biz Im in,not many people short of cops, prosecutors and victims families like me. How about a SF program for permanently screwed up people like me? I know Im not the only one.
