Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ready to Rock!

Okay, 9 stages tomorrow.. I was going to dry-fire tonight, but I thought what the heck, it's either there or it isn't. Little late to fix any problems. I will be using "illegal" hard kneepads, which I figure doesn't make any different since my scores aren't published and I'm not eligible for anything...I'll let match director Curt know tomorrow. Besides, my Sweetie threatened to absolutely kill me if I went slamming down on my knee! She's smarter than me, have I mentioned that?

Did have some fine oysters in Tampa tonight, so I'm "prepped..."

Expect boring pictures tomorrow, and THANK YOU for all your great advice!


  1. " I will be using "illegal" hard kneepads, which I figure doesn't make any different since my scores aren't published and I'm not eligible for anything..."

    Why aren't you?

  2. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Break a leg Michael. (wait, don't)

  3. Where did you get those fine oysters.
    I live north of tampa.
    New Port Richey

  4. Good luck and be careful.

  5. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Aim small, miss small. Good Luck Mike.
