Friday, October 21, 2011

Home for a Bit...

...from my visits to gun companies. It gives me a chance to talk to company execs before the craziness of the SHOT Show. Yes, advertising has a lot to do with it...TV is an advertising-driven medium, and those guys pay the freight for the shows...but it's also a chance to talk about what's going to be introduced at SHOT, what's in the works, etc. If I have the time, I head for the factory floor...gun factories are cool.

Meanwhile, America is fretting on Tattoo Barbie:

I think people are afraid the Tattoo Barbie will break up Biker Ken's marriage to Hollywood Barbie, or something like that. No wait...something about that sounds familiar...BTW, Alf the Wonder Beagle is particularly taken with the Barbie Dog disguised as a cactus...Alf think the cactus disguise would allow her to get close enough to an elk for a drive-by.


  1. AllenF11:13 AM

    Ally and Abby, the non-so-wonder beagles are looking for elk stalking tips after last night.

    A full-grown bull elk charged into the neighborhood south of the Knolls Country Club during the evening commute before being shot and killed in a backyard Thursday.

    "It had me very concerned for people's safety," said Pat Molini, a biologist for the state Game and Parks Commission. "At one point, it was running right at me … and I jumped behind a tree 'cause it would've ran right through anything it could have."

    Game and Parks officials had been tracking the bull since Monday, when someone spotted it limping along U.S. 77 south of Denton Road.

    They hoped it would head west, but Thursday, another person spotted it near Lincoln Memorial Park on South 14th Street. Animal Control found the elk, which had a wounded back leg, in a bean field near Scott Middle School.

    Then the elk went into the residential area, hopping fences all the way to a yard along Jane Lane near South 27th Street.

    "He jumped a fence, and with one leg broken, he couldn't jump any fences any more," Molini said. "It was very stressed."

    Read more:

  2. Here's a simple solution to tattooed Barbie. If you don't like it, don't buy it. And, don't let your child have it either. Sheesh! Some people will make a mountain out of any tattooed mole hill.

  3. Rob Drummond1:43 PM

    I have fond memories of Barbie or at least my sister's Barbie. She loved this wedding Barbie where Barbie was in a wedding dress and Ken was in a tux. My brother & I eyed this set for distruction. Our GI Joe's had already bayonetted her other Ken so we had to come up with a better way to kill them off. Well our family had an old 1956 Ford Station wagon with a back window that cranked down. Dad always had us boys sit back there maybe to be out of our sister's hair & cause less trouble on a road trip. My brother & I got some string & tied hangmans knots on them and secreted out Ken & Barbie in their wedding outfits & on one long trip in that car put the nooses around their necks & pitched them out the back window and dragged them a for miles. Of course no one saw us do it and we were able to put them back in their boxes freyed dress & tux, rubbed out faces & all. I still can hear the scream my sister made when she found them beat up & tossed about even more than forty years later.

    The last Ken she had we took some chopped meat and stuffed in Ken and handed him off to the neighbors dog....never really knew what happened to that Ken.
    Rob Drummond
    Hillsboro, NH

  4. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Tramp Stamp Barbie LOL

