Friday, October 07, 2011

On the Passing of Giant...

Back In The Day, I got to spend some time at the MIT Media Lab...I thought I knew a lot, but these guys blew me away. "You have no idea what's coming," they told me, circa 1988 or so. "The guys at Apple are real smart..."

So I'm in a foreign city, and I wonder what that building across the street is. I turn on the iPhone, point its camera at the building and in a few seconds it tells me the building, it's history and where I am...

Thank you, Steve.


  1. Google Goggles on Android can do the same thing.

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM

    If I ain't in the will, the hell with him.

  3. Surprises always comes in the way.

  4. That's is what you call augmented reality.

  5. I just love the way you work. Thanks for sharing this great and interesting stuff. Fabulous post! I really enjoyed that.
