Monday, November 07, 2011

It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere...

Well excuse me, I think you've got my chair...
— George Strait

Heck, it's 5 o'clock here! Day was at a dead run, but the podcast is in the can. This week, I step in front of a live studio audience for SHOOTING GALLERY for the first time. Will be big fun, unless somebody lobs a milling machine at my head. We should have behind the scenes video for DRTV, "Look! I think that milling machine landed on his head! Play it again!"

Yesterday I bought a chair, to replace the chair I bought 11 years ago...damn, stuff just doesn't last, does it? Anyway, my chair was totally broken for 2 years, but secret nerd boy that I am, I kept thinking it would recover. I even fixed it a couple of times, but finally Alf the Wonder Beagle, not to mention my Sweetie, shamed me into it. I thought I was going to have heart, because I HATE shopping...that's why God made the Internet. I never have that much trouble shopping for guns. Takes me about 15 minutes to buy an AR...

Funny story from last week's TBD filming...we're on the range with Seeklander, and he's just finished talking about how much he doesn't like little guns. We've got a bunch of them out there, and he's B-rolling them. He comes to Marshal Halloway's Sig Sauer P238...shoots it...I see him smile...more ammo...he finds the T and E P238 with the diamond coat finish on the table...shoost it..."Hey, where do I get one of these?" It is a nice shooting little gun, I gotta say! Can't wait to shoot it against the new Colt Mustang! Note to Sig Sauer...send me the invoice...I'm keeping the P238...see how easy that was? It's damn hard to buy a chair! I mean, they come in colors and fabrics and the La-Z-Boy store won't let me bring Alf the Wonder Beagle to see if she likes the chair, which is a lot more important than whether I like the chair. I wish that Alf and my Sweetie had given me a short list. Ladies, these are issues men deal with every day. BTW, I wish I could shoot one-tenth as well as Mike Seeklander! He is amazing. Go buy his book...there a tactical training version on the that one, too.

From my friends over at Harris Pubs, I note the Taurus Zombie Response revolver n .454 Casull, .45 Colt and 2 1/2 and 3-inch .410. Works for me, and I totally love the grips. See, even this would be easier to buy that a fracking chair! Am I right here? I mean, I might be set upon by zombies (which, let's be honest, have jumped the shark) or a velociraptor or a garbage truck animated in a real world version of a Steven King novel, or, I don't know, a mammoth or two. I can visualize that, but a chair? Ten years later, just like that, you have to buy another one! Am I the only one who agrees that makes no sense? And my Sweetie says now we need a couch...

A couch!

What am I to do? That's at least a 3-year project...


  1. So how do we get an invite to be in the studio audience? I only live a couple hours from Columbia.

    After all what good is a studio audience without a few hecklers... (Just kidding, maybe.)

  2. Tim Craft10:42 PM

    Dude, one word: Ikea.

  3. Pathfinder7:20 AM

    Dude, two words: NO IKEA!!!!

    Have Sweetie buy the sofa - she will get her choice anyhow, and it will save you the hassle. Tell her something like - "I trust your judgement, Sweetie, you know what I like. Besides, you're just so much better at this than I am. Have fun. I know I'll like whatever you chose"

    Let me know how that works out for you!

  4. nj_larry12:09 PM

    Pathfinder you forgot the magic words dude ! after everything you said you've got to add..."and ya know, afterwards why don't you treat yourself to a ***** (fill in the appropriate blank space, manicure, pedicure,sushi lunch, get your hair done, buy yourself a dress, buy some shoes, etc. etc. etc.) You'll probably see a tear in her eye and she'll hug you real tight and say "honey I love you sooo much". :)

  5. 1akmaninfl5:53 AM

    Pathfinder & nj_Larry..... you guys obviously don't know MB's Sweetie.

    Gullible she's not.
