Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Whipped Puppy Syndrome

Hectic, hectic day! DRTV filming...Outdoor Channel photo session...planning for "workplace shooter" scenario tomorrow AM and to top it off a complex scenario for The Best Defense based on the horrific CT home invasion a few years back. I think we did a very good job of building and filming the scenario, but I'd be lying if I didn't say it creeped us all out. Sometimes the better you build a scenario the worse it makes you have to put your head in a bad place sometimes.

Was hoping to shoot a cowboy match this weekend, but the Secret Hidden Bunker is snowed in again and the temperature has bottomed out. Sigh...


  1. yeah, snowed in here in maine too.. heading home from the land of the fruits and nuts (where the nuts are a little fruitier, and the fruits are a little nutier) where it is in the 70s... the wife is mad since she had to use the snow blowing skills i taught her... so much for Al Gore's inconvienient truth!

  2. There is a fear culture and little performance. This quadrant reflects the 'whipped puppy' syndrome.
