Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve, 2011

We just came back from a long walk in the snowy woods with the Wonder Beagle, shown here after sticking her nose deep into the snow to see if there were any elk, or anything edible, such as biscuits, nearby.

The woods are indeed lovely, dark and deep, and we are amazingly lucky to live up here. It's going to be a low-key Christmas here at the Secret Hidden Bunker, and, obviously, a very very white Christmas.

As always, our thoughts are with those who serve on far-flung fronts, especially with our dear friends somewhere in the wilds of Afghanistan...wish you were here, guys.

From our family, animals and all, to yours...Merry Christmas.

And tonight of all nights, peace.


  1. Wallaby Jack5:02 PM

    Right back to you

  2. Merry Christmas Michael, God bless and Happy New Year.

  3. Lee Parson10:24 PM

    Merry Christmas Mr. Bane. And Merry Christmas to Alf the Wonder Beagle!

  4. Blessings of the season to you and yours! Got my Bongalouie same outfit as Alfie!

  5. nj_larry1:22 PM

    After the holidays definitely not a way to end the year. The Beltway crowd don't want the Iraq vets to have a decent homecoming. It might make some people angry.

    Can I ask the question...WTF have we learned in 40 years?
