Saturday, December 03, 2011

Moderately More Coherent...

...tonight...was truly a Whipped Puppy last night. Hard to keep up with so many things going on...the record Black Friday gun sales are amazing but not surprising. We are an unsettled nation clinging to our God and our guns and counting the days until next November. Not to mention there are some very good deals out there! I have said this before and I will say it again...if you don't own an AR, it's a great time to shop around and buy one.

Thanks to all the commenters who weighed in on knee replacements. My doctor wants to wait as long as possible before the replacement, which suits me because my schedule is so grueling these days. When I do it, I know I need the appropriate rehab time, and right now it's just not there (especially with SHOT earlier in January). I know it'll be easier when we get a little better grip on the SHOOTING GALLERY 1-hour format...I expected the changeover from the old format to be...challenging...


  1. Good luck with your knee, business, etc, Michael!

    On your comment about gun sales, I add my anecdote in that gun dealers in my area are very busy these days too.

    Considering the political climate, I just offer a warning to the crowd who want BO out so badly they will settle for a sellout on the (R) side: Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Really pay attention to your candidate's positions.

  2. kmitch20011:32 AM

    We can't let Bwhore make 2 or more Supreme choices in the next 4 years - look at the last 2 'progresive' idiots.
    Add to that an incompetent, dishonest AG, a Cabinet full of rejects and the choice is clear.

    ANYBODY but the current POS.

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Don't be focused on the White House alone. We need to capture the Senate like was done in the House. New, non-Rino, conservatives. If the state party machines put scumbags up, then we need to defeat them early. If the incumbent is a RINO then gather your friends and other like minded folks and primary them. And take the time to look closely at your state houses too.

  4. The primary elections are the best opportunity to affect real change. Amaze your community by running and winning in your local primary. Every elective office is critical to securing and regaining our rights. Even schoo boards and county clerks establish policies that affect us all. Run and win!

  5. My wife is getting her first done in march and a second one later in the year. Go for it and get er done. Your life will improve greatly and your just going to have to make the time.

  6. Probably late with this one, but we found a world class surgeon in Denver (Lakewood) that did partial knee replacements. He was so good we traveled from Texas to get my Mom's knees done. She did both partials at once. 6 weeks later she was climbing into a deer stand and hunting. No outside rehab, no major blood transfusion. Dr. Jeffrey Sabin - I would recommend him to anyone!

  7. Michael: I deal blackjack and one of my regular players is a surgeon. He recently told one of my pit bosses that you should hold off on the surgery as long as you can stand it. Mainly because of the time needed to recover and complications and issues with scaring. He said, when you do the surgery, listen to the doctors and take the time necessary to heal!
    Good Luck!
    PS: Podcasting can be done from a reclined and relaxed position. Just staying!
    Chad Hendrix-Horn Lake, MS
