Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another School Shooting

Doesn't it make you sick to hear about another school shooting? The achingly painful procession of victims, the endless bleating about "bullied" and "outsider" as explanation for the disgusting vermin who pulled the trigger, the immediate calls from our blood enemies for stripping everyone in the country of our rights to "solve" the problem...

Want to solve the problem? Arm the teachers, a la Israel, and allow CCW on college campuses. The first time that a sad, bullied outsider's brain, such as it is, becomes a yeechy splatter pattern against a back wall and the rest of the room stands up and applauds, the next little bullied outsider will decide to stay home with his dirty underwear and his computer screen. Because instead of a dark warrior, a culture hero for all the other little bullied outsiders nursing whatever imagined grievances that fester in their overheated pea brains, he's just another sack of wet garbage, waiting on the curb for pick-up.

Gun-free zones kill!


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Interesting report from Rasmussen

    Despite the shooting deaths of three students at an Ohio high school earlier this week, most Americans don’t believe schools can ever be made risk-free from that kind of violence.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 12% of American Adults think schools can be made completely safe against violence like the incident in Ohio. Seventy-two percent (72%) disagree and say schools cannot ever be made that safe. Sixteen percent (16%) are not sure.


    Tom Bogan

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I sure am glad this shooting was in a Federally mandated gun free zone! If this had happened at a gun range or a police station somebody could have gotten hurt!

  3. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Worse yet, the sniveling little cry-baby is a member of a "protected class', a minor. So "its" identity is being concealed! That needs to change. If you hurt, or kill someone, society at-large should have the right to know who you are, kid, or not. Society should also know who your parents are. All three should be paraded out in front of everybody so we can see who committed the crime and who raised the killer and enabled the behavior.

    While we're at it, we should also re-try the over used "not guilty, by reason of insanity" verdicts. How about changing it to' GUILTY, by reason of insanity"? The probability that you'll kill again if you're CRAZY is probably high.

    Life Member

  4. kmitch20012:06 AM

    I disagree with publishing their names.
    They WANT the notoriety and the publicity - DENY them their 15 minutes of fame!

  5. brilliant summary. right on.

  6. Cymond12:36 PM

    Well spoken Michael. I appreciate it when others say what I want to say, but better. A defender won't be met with applause, though, but more shrieks of terror.

    @anon: In my college freshman class, the prof claimed that the insanity defense is only used in less than 1% of cases and is only about 1% successful. Hollywood has warped our perception of the insanity defense.

    I partially agree with you though. Someone who probably qualifies for an insanity defense? Charles Manson. He's one crazy little b. Should he ever be allowed back in to society? Heck no.
