Tuesday, May 01, 2012


...I'm not going to read too much into this..

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee had a private breakfast with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg Tuesday morning at the the headquarters of the billionaire mayor’s philanthropic foundation. Romney’s campaign did not inform the press that the meeting would occur, although later confirmed that the men had met.
According to two people with knowledge of the Bloomberg meeting, cited by the New York Times, the pair discussed the economy, immigration, education and gun control over coffee and juice.

...but put Snowplow Bloomberg on the ticket, or give him a substantial part in or input into this campaign, and I stay home. And I will strongly urge all of you guys to stay home.


  1. The sno plow isnt even a republican anymore.. cant imagine he would ever be considered.. as my father used to say, dont scream until you are hurt.. sno plow has been talking about a 3rd party run.. keep your friends close, but your enemies closer...

  2. Don't stay home. Vote for the Libertarian candidate. If enough people do that, maybe it will cause a change in the idiocy of the Republican party.

  3. gunman427824:30 PM

    I agree with Tim. Don't stay home, vote Libertarian. I sure am not too happy to hold my nose and vote Romney anyway. If he chooses Bloomberg, there is no way in Hell I will vote for him.

  4. Anonymous6:11 PM

    How many times do I have to point out Romney is antigun? He signed an AWB while guv. He will sell out gunowners in a heartbeat.

    It looks to be BHO's to lose.

    Gunowners need to work for PROGUN congress critters. The WH is most likely lost.

  5. I agree. I would not vote for him then. There would be no point.

  6. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Someone who is a Guiding Light on our side needs to corral Mittens, in public and in front of witnesses armed with video cameras, and ask him about his meeting with Bloomberg.

    Romney may be barely smart enough to realize that attaching Bloomberg to his wagon will be a campaign-ending mistake. A larger danger is that Romney recognizes the death blow Bloomberg would strike to his presidential chances, but once elected figures that Bloomberg can be plugged into a prominent spot which would ensure continued access to Mittens' ear.

    Romney needs to be pressed to firmly and without equivocation publicly commit to not having anything to do with Bloomberg, at any time, in any capacity.

    If Mad Mike starts getting traction with Romney too many of us will just walk away rather than chance having Bloomberg in a future administration. He's just that toxic, and Romney needs to be made aware of it.

  7. I sent the Romney campaign an email. Just letting them know, if Romney does something STUPID, like putting Snowplow on the ticket. He goes home and not to the White House. I might be giving him too much credit, but I think he's smarter than that. Especially after 73,000 of us attended the NRA show.

    I will support Romney, unless he is that STUPID.

    Obama can't be allowed to win and appoint more justices.

    Horn Lake, MS

  8. Personally, I look at it as Romney know that any public appearance with Mayor Snowplow would be death to his campaign, so he meets with him in private away from the prying eyes of the press...

    ... like you would any other common criminal.

  9. nj_larry11:02 PM

    Michael NO ! Not Mitt? He would never do anything like that? ... (do you detect some sarcasm)...

    ok, I will be an adult here. I told ya I didn't trust Mitt. It IS in the realm of possibilities to wind up with Bloomie on the ticket. Your instant fear on reading the story shows that you realize that. It also shows you realize that Mitt has NO core. NO framework. NO central political beliefs. That he could turn on us in a second.

    Well you got what you wanted. All the 30 percent of the voters that cast their ballots for Mitt got what they wanted.

  10. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Mit Obamney or Ron Paul.. your choice!!!

  11. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Agreed Tim - IF this were to happen, absolutely vote Libertarian.

  12. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I'll give Romney the benefit of the doubt - for now - because ANYBODY is better than Obama. But, adding Bloomberg to the ticket would be a game changer for me - and, I believe, most EVERYONE else, thus giving the election to Obama. Much as I DESPISE Obama, I CANNOT in good conscience vote for Bloomberg either - for he's, at best, Obama light.
    I would hope Romney knows this - which is why they met in secret, perhaps as a courtesy to the mayor.
    Should he choose a solid VP, I'll cast my vote for Romney and work tirelessly to also take the House and Senate as a safety net against a renegade Romney.
    Any vote for Ron Paul or a Libertarian would be a wasted vote, possibly enough to turn the tide in Obama's favor - which I won't do.

  13. Michael, I keep saying this, but there is no statistical difference between Romney and Obama. None--nada. Look at their records. Judge them by what they have done.

    We've been fed the same old thing for 30 years or more--"Vote for the most conservative person running!" "Hold your nose if you have to and voter for the lesser of two evils!"

    Not doing it any more. I'm voting for Ron Paul in the primary, and I'll vote for the Libertarian candidate in the general. Until we break out of this alleged two party system of ours, we're going to keep being played.

  14. amen freeholder! my thoughts exactly!!

  15. I second what nj_Larry and Freeholder stated....

  16. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Here's a link to the Romney campaign.


    Let's flood their mailbox with demands that Romney stop associating with the despicable Bloomberg.

  17. Anonymous8:23 PM

    This why we don't trust Romney!!!
    Flood the suggestion box. Just another McCain!

  18. All of you who vote Libertarian might as well not vote at all! Three party system does not work, if anything it will hand victory to Obama. Use your heads and vote in conservative Republicans to the Senate and House.

  19. Jack, you might want to check around, but a lot of countries have more than 2 parties represented in their legislative bodies. They're doing no worse than we are. Wake up and smell the Kool-Aid they're handing you.

  20. kmitch20010:45 PM

    Other countries may have 3rd parties that aren't a collection of unelectable fruitcakes.
    Nader, Paul, Perot, etc....none have received *one* electoral vote.

    The "anyone but Bwhore" vote needs to go to someone who can at least have a tally at the end of the evening.

  21. Anonymous10:20 PM

    You guys all need to get a grip!

    How do we make the leap from: "I'm trying not to read too much into this..." to "If he aligns himself with Bloomberg I'll tell everyone to stay home"?

    As my wise father used to advise when I was about "to go off half-cocked", he'd say: "wait and see what happens". In this case, we need to see what "develops". He was usually right.

    Romney hasn't even hinted much about running mates, let alone cabinet positions.

    Not voting for Romney will be suicide for the Second Amendment and you guys know it. I don't think that Romney will do any of the things that Obama has planned. Secondly, we also need to focus on taking the Senate and bolstering the House of Representatives. That further ensures that we will be represented.

    We need to avoid exagerations and half-truths just as much as the lib's. Let's all stick to facts here. The future IS in our hands. Let's not blow it as some did when Perot ran.

    Life Member

  22. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Guess, I don't have a credible deterrent since I am staying home anyway. The Vice Presidency isn't worth a pail of warm piss. (Credit to John Nance Garner who knew.)
