Friday, May 11, 2012

Seeklander Doesn't Blink!

We discovered this doing Phantom footage of Seeklander on the Colt Gatling Gun...not sure what it means...


  1. It means he too is a robot mutant cyborg, just like Dave Sevigny.

  2. Kevin, did you see his performance on Top Shots? ;-)

  3. Hey, cut him some slack! LOL! I mean, Seeklander WON Production at Steel Challenge last year....and besides, I'm giving him and TOP SHOT Season 1 winner Iain Harrison PLENTY of opportunities for "grudge matches!" LOL!!!


  4. Looks fantastic, and it sounds like you're doing a MUCH better job at comparing old vs. new than that shooting program starring someone from Top Shot who isn't really a shooter (not naming names, of course, but he seems to have been hired for his teeth...)

    Hoping there will soon be a way for we who have ditched cable/satellite to see all these great new shows.
