Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Wednesday, Sort Of...

Ask me how long it takes to hang a screen door...I dare you! Well, maybe if I spent more time watching HGTV, I'd be better at it. When it comes to home improvement, I'm pretty much all blunt trauma...larger hammer! I reread Ray Bradbury's "The Naming of Names" from the MARTIAN CHRONICLES again today. It was a story that, the first time I read it so very long ago, made me see the world in a different way. As most of you figured out a long time ago, I was pretty much a Heinlein guy..."an armed society is a polite society" and all. But that Bradbury story made me think, oddly enough, about the power of the state and how that power could be exercised. but in an amazingly oblique, and simple, way. Do young people read Bradbury any more? I doubt it.


  1. TRy reading Ira Levine's "This Perfect Day". Very Scary, since it's more like today.

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    One sure way to get kids to read books that we want them to read, is to tell them they shouldn't read them under any circumstances. When I was in school, we all found ways to get our hands on and read books that were banished from our school libraries and classrooms. The local bookstore did a good business getting copies of "Fanny Hill", "Candide" and "Catcher in the Rye", among others. (wink)

    Life Member
