Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Around and Around and Around...

From USA Today, oh no! Magazines often have more than 10 rounds!

For years, gun control advocates have tried to ban high-capacity magazines, arguing they have no place in civil society...

Yeah, right. Am stocking up on SureFire 60-rounders, both for 3-Gun and because the darn things work. I'll probably grab some of the 100s when I can find them at a sane price. My pal Iain Harrison can occasionally get 100-round drums to work, but I think it has something to do with some kind of English ju-ju and is beyond my meager skills (and Dremel Tool). Also glad to see the DSA 30-rounders for my FAL are now in stock..just sayin', you know.

Seriously, I expect all this to blow over as it has blown over so many times in the past. But it never hurts to make sure the bread, band aids and bullets are socked away for rainy days.


  1. shawn w9:31 PM

    damn straight!

  2. If there is ever a ban, before it goes into effect, I'm going to sell what I have being banned to someone I don't like. Like yellow dog democrats and then turn them in after the deadline for government confiscation so they can more fully enjoy the government they helped create and thought they could hide from.

    I hope it never happens, but if it does we need to remember the people who were instrumental in bringing us to the confiscation party.

  3. Anonymous5:46 AM

    If high-capacity magazines have no place in civil society, why does the US' official side-arm, the Beretta M92 have one? Why are the vast majority of police sidearms equipped with them? Why do most self defence experts recommend them for a personal protection sidearm? These questions also apply to the "AR" platform guns.

    Life Member

  4. Anonymous5:49 AM

    OK, OK,

    I did mean "d-e-f-e-n-S-e".


    Life Member

  5. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I trust you saw the IL governor wants a state ban on "assault rifles". http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/01/13064825-illinois-governor-wants-ban-on-assault-weapons?lite
    Sheriff Jim Wilson had a great post about "gun violence" .. whatever the hell that means.

  6. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Quit fanning the flames of the buying frenzy! LOL I looked on Brownell's site the Monday after the Colorado incident and 100s and 60s were both in stock. Looked that Friday and 100s were out of stock and then after the weekend 60s were. I too agree that this should pass over, but it is a PITA to have to go through the BS every time some nut job does something and the Dummycrats and Liberals start the Assault/Mag/handgun/flavor of the week ban rhetoric. At least the only thing I have to stock up on this go round is fresh primers, powder, wheel weights and the few new technology/production items such as the Surefires and DSA Fal 30s.

  7. Anonymous2:19 PM

    This point should be made: the anti-gun people know by this time that they will probably have little influence on policy so the primary effect of their huffing and puffing is to sell MORE of the product they themselves believe to be evil. What they are doing is putting there own morality aside and by their own logic "dooming hundreds if not thousands" for nothing other than their own sense of smug rectitude and the fleeting caress of the spotlight. To me, that's intellectual dishonesty, undisciplined politics and stupidity meshed into one ugly dish of stew.

  8. Anonymous9:33 PM

    I heard pelosi and schummer have stock in ATK.

  9. Anonymous9:36 AM

    allegedly graphite lube is part of the trick to make the Beta-C mags to work.

  10. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I was surprised at how quickly the Feds were able to produce the receipts for the tactical gear and online ammo Holmes bought. But where is this drum mag he supposedly had? Where's the receipt for that?
