Friday, August 31, 2012

Hell Yes!

He made my day, anyway! Loved it that he so got under BHO's skin that the President of the United Staes felt obligated to make a sadly pathetic response to a jibe:

The "seat may be taken," but the chair is still empty...

UPDATE: From the Looking Spoon/FaceBook, a touch 'o the ole Photoshop:

From Justin Katz on the brilliance of the empty chair:
What Eastwood did, with his extemporaneous air and unfilled chair, was to call bull**** on the increasingly untenable narrative that the Left has been weaving through all of the public institutions that it has spent decades infiltrating. He elevated to TV Land the shocking breach of story line and etiquette that hit YouTube years ago when angry citizens shouted down their Senators at town hall meetings.
Also, don't miss Ed Morrissey's well-reasoned piece on Hot Air:
If I can riff like that on national TV at the age of 82, believe me, I’ll be happy.
Amen to that!


  1. I like how people, usually his fan club the MSM, think that BHO is ACTUALLY tweeting and answering questions on Reddit and not some campaign staffer tasked with making these entries. If it really is him, I hope he takes to it full time so he'll stop ruining the country.

  2. Clint made my day!

  3. To recap: The RNC featured an old man who rambled on at an invisible friend in an empty chair, and next week, the DNC will feature ... Joe Biden.


    FWIW, I couldn't watch it: I don't like seeing my heroes get old, not when I'm still a spry man in his twenties (or at least I think so...)

  4. That 'empty chair'routine should have legs...if you see what I mean. Maybe we'll see many more of them in the background at political TV events. If I were a producer....

  5. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I watched about half of Clint's speech, the idea was good and he got in some good zings, but his hemming and hawing, along with the frequent failures to follow a train of thought were just depressing.
    Tom B.
    Laconia NH

  6. nj_larry10:25 AM

    Hey folks, me don't know what the heck your talking about regards Clint. You obviously think he is the guy he portrays on the screen ! Dude, go out to youtube and watch a couple of interviews with him from 20 to 30 years ago. It is the same guy you saw Thursday nite. His speech pattern is the same. He does tend to hem and haw and hesitate. He was brilliant. Read what he said. It was the most aggressive and hardest hitting attack on Obama in the entire week.

    Again, for those who don't get out much, employing the chair is an age old theater device. Have you never seen a play in your life? "Our Town" strike a bell? Have you never seen Bob Newhart for Christs sake? He happens to be a brilliant director and actor. Well familiar with stage. HE FREAKING STUDIES THEM FOR A LIVING! You think he didn't know where he was? He was in some sort of dementia addled zone? Just go back to playing the xbox or watching the cows. Don't think your now James Lipton ok.

  7. Larry, 100% agree! Actors act! And brilliantly...


  8. Hah!...told ya so:-

  9. nj_larry10:34 AM

    LOL...gotta good laugh just now. Commentor BIC was right. EMPTY CHAIR DAY has gone viral ! Here I am on Labor Day, not building anything, and 12 Bizillion people are twittering away about it. I haven't found out if it is a hit on Barry or Romney yet. Either way you have to love it.

  10. ok folks.. those who dont think this election is important, i present to you the democrat platform, as reported by say uncle...

  11. nj_larry10:38 AM

    Its been over a week now since Clint stepped up to the podium at the RNC. Today CBS ran this interview. I be loving on this guy more and more. Hopefully folks still lot at this thread...
