Monday, September 24, 2012

Book Bomb Day — Rawles' "Founders"

Tomorrow, Tuesday 25 September, is Book Bomb Day for Jim Rawles' new novel FOUNDERS: A NOVEL OF THE COMING COLLAPSE. Jim, as you know, runs The Survival Blog, and FOUNDERS is the 3rd novel in his "Coming Collapse" series. In case you've been napping, the function of a "book bomb" is for as many people as possible to order the book on the same day from Amazon to raise the book in the Amazon ratings. Jim is one of the Good Guys, and The Survival Blog is an indispensable the book!


  1. Ive read all his stuff and frequent his blog.. you wont regret getting the book.. hes an entertaining writer and you will learn alot about prepping at the same time... im ready to press the trigger!
